January 2024
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January 2024

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Exam module

Filter by date in the Exam Dashboard

A filter by date has been added to the Exam Dashboard. This allows you to search for exams scheduled within a specific time period.

Scheduling Past Exams

In the Exam Dashboard, exams always had to be scheduled in the future, in 5-minute intervals. We thought this made sense, since you wouldn't want to schedule something that would have already happened in the past. However, this could cause you to have to wait several minutes before you could enter an assessment or take a theory exam. This was not always desirable and has been modified, it is now also possible to retroactively schedule an exam.

"Not applicable" option at work process level.

New options have been added to the settings at work process level. It was already possible to indicate that points within the work process should not count towards the assessment. This option has been further expanded. The setting 'Must be assessed' has been added, with a choice of the following options:

  • Always: The work process must be assessed and points given count;
  • Always, but points given do not count toward the total: The work process must be assessed, but points do not count;
  • Selectable during assessment: The assessor can check or uncheck the work process during the assessment. When a work process is unchecked the points also no longer count towards the total points to be obtained. When this option is chosen an extra setting is shown 'Default not selected for assessment'. With this setting it can be indicated whether the work process is checked or unchecked by default for the assessor.

When the work process is shown (because it is on by default, or selected during the assessment) then any extra conditions set on the work process apply to the underlying criteria. When the work process is not shown then these conditions also expire.

PE module

Filter module limitation on linked modules

In the PE overview for accompanying roles, the filter on module has been adjusted. It now only shows the modules linked to one or more of your participants.

Duplication of PE activities by administrator

Within the overview of PE activities it is now possible to duplicate an existing activity. A copy is made of the activity, including all settings. The status of this activity is set to 'inactive' and 'Copy of' is added to the name.

Reporting module

Annotation element in report adjustable on new page
In the Reporting module it is possible to include notes. It is now adjustable whether this annotation should start on a new page or immediately after the previous element on the same page.

Remindo module

Optimization of callbacks from Remindo

Some optimizations have been made in the background to optimize the 'callbacks'. These callbacks are 'fired' by Remindo when an action is completed, for example a test result has become available. A callback informs another platform that certain data can be retrieved via the API. This optimization allows ten times as many results to be retrieved per 5 minutes.

Automatically assign (practice) tests

It is now possible to automatically assign all available tests via the Remindo module to all participants, where previously tests always had to be linked to participants manually. This is a setting that must be activated by Paragin in the environment.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.