LTI for MyPortfolio
  • 20 Aug 2024
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LTI for MyPortfolio

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LTI can be applied within MyPortfolio in 2 ways:

  1. Linking external content (E-learnings)
  2. Logging into MyPortfolio from another platform

1. Linking external content

It is possible to link external E-learnings, from Moodle or another LMS for example, to MyPortfolio via LTI. This can be done via the E-learning module. These external E-learnings can then be linked back to our article module, allowing you to combine external content with your own created content within MijnPortfolio.

On /traject/manager/elearning-management you can add an LTI link. To do this, you need various data from the E-learning provider, such as the key, secret and endpoint. The E-learning provider can help you find out these details. When the LTI is added, it is possible to link this E-learning to an article.

2. Logging in via LTI on Mijnportfolio

MyPortfolio also supports logging in via LTI from an LMS, for example. To do this, go to /administrator/settings/lti and click ‘Add a new LTI link’. Set the following fields:

  • LTI name: Give the link a name.
  • LTI user id: Specify whether it should only match or also create a new account. Based on the ‘custom field’ provided from the linked system, a search is performed for a user within MijnPortfolio with that id. If this is found, you are immediately logged in as this user. If it is not found, there are 2 options; Nothing happens or an account is created for this user.
  • Custom field corresponds to: Choice of portfolio number/code or e-mail address. This field within MyPortfolio searches for the provided value from ‘custom_match’ to match accounts.
  • LTI role: From the LMS, users with the role ‘learner’ or ‘instructor’ can be created. Normally, the learner is the participant/student/employee and the instructor is the supervisor/teacher. At this location, you can set which role within MijnPortfolio these roles should be assigned.

We support supplying the following fields:

  • user_id: Unique ID of the user, determined by the LMS: if someone uses the link multiple times, this ID is always the same.
  • roles: This only has the value Learner or Instructor. As indicated above, via ‘LTI role’ you can specify what role someone should be assigned within MijnPortfolio.
  • lis_person_name_given: Field for the first name.
  • lis_person_name_family: Field for the surname.
  • lis_person_contact_email_primary: E-mail.
  • launch_presentation_return_url: The URL to which someone can be returned when logged out of MyPortfolio.

We see that the first three fields sometimes contain dummy data: some LMSs do not provide personal data by default. However, this is required for the correct creation of a participant/user within MyPortfolio.

Depending on the activated modules and options in MyPortfolio, data can still be assigned via the LTI to participants created via that LTI link. These include the type of participant, qualifications or one or more article modules. This concerns a fixed qualification, module, etc. that is assigned to each participant created via the link.

After the LTI link has been added to MyPortfolio, data that must be entered in the system to be linked are also shown here. These are the endpoint, key and secret. The exact names of these fields may vary between providers. The provider of the external system can help you set them up correctly.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.