Bulletin board
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Bulletin board

  • Pdf

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Short messages can be posted on the bulletin board for everyone to see. This can be all logged in roles, but it is also possible to make the messages visible to people who are not logged in. You can also reply to messages. From Paragin, the option to respond can be turned off. The default name of this module is "Bulkboard".


The bulletin board can be used for messages of a general nature. Think of a general message for all participants, for example a welcome message.


You can create a new bulletin board message with the button 'Add a bulletin board message too!'. Add a title, short description and a message. Only the post owner and environment administrators can edit the text of a post.

The title and short description are displayed when the bulletin board page is opened. The full message is not shown until someone opens the message. Comments can be added to a wall post by typing in the text box below the post.

Wall posts can be archived by clicking the 'Archive this post' button. This feature is not available to attendees. Facilitators can only archive messages created by themselves here, not those of others.

Internal module name: Bulletinboard

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.