Connect a module
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Connect a module

  • Pdf

Samenvatting van het artikel


Modules are separate parts that can be used with articles. There is a menu item for this in the bar on the left (default name 'Modules'). These modules can be used to bundle multiple qualifications and articles. A module can therefore be linked to several qualifications and articles. This can be used, for example, to set up a teaching method or training in MyPortfolio.

Add a module

Adding and managing modules can be done in the overview. At the top right of the overview is the option 'Add module' (this may be named differently if the default names have been changed). Click here.

A new screen opens. Enter a title and language for the module. A code can be assigned if necessary. Below that is a text field where, for example, an explanation or explanation can be entered. There is a blocking function for certain functionalities, should this be necessary. Click on 'Save' when the settings have been entered.

Link qualifications

Note that the term 'Qualifications' may also have been replaced by its own term.

After saving, the new module appears in the overview. On the right side, each module has a flag icon. Click on it to link one or more qualifications.

You can easily link a qualification by expanding the list and clicking on the desired qualification. This will then appear under the heading 'Linked qualifications'.

Link articles

Like the qualification, articles are linked with a button on the right side. Click on the icon called 'Articles' and select the desired articles from the list. There is an extra option here with which the item must be placed at the top or bottom of the list.


Move the position of a qualification or article by dragging it. Move the mouse over a qualification/article, click and hold to be able to move.

Set up dependencies

It is possible to set a dependency for a module. This means that the current module cannot be started until a certain condition has been met. Click on the following icon to set the dependencies:image.png

There are four types of conditions available in the drop-down list:

  1. One of the articles below must be completed.
  2. One of the articles below must be sufficient.
  3. All articles below must be completed.
  4. All items below must be sufficient.

Below the picklist with the four conditions are the articles to which the dependency should apply. This only concerns the selected articles. An item that is not selected does not apply to the dependency at that time.

Internal name: module

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.