Document module
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Document module

  • Pdf

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Documents can be uploaded within this module. With the help of background settings, a specific structure can be set up with, for example, certain categories. The participant or supervisor has the option to upload documents for each part. Consider, for example, application letters, the results of a career choice test or the elaboration of assignments.

Multiple documents can be uploaded per component. These can be deleted, but it is not possible to archive them.


The background settings must be set up by Paragin. Please contact us to make adjustments to the design of the module.


An assignment structure can be set up in this module, possibly with a division for different topics, chapters and the like. Participants can upload their own documents to the components. Accompanying roles can view these documents.

The module can also be used to view documents that, for example, do not need to be included in the portfolio, but are important enough to save somewhere. The image below shows two parts. The participants click on one of the plus signs to add a document.

Documenten voorbeeld


This module has no settings for administrators to set or adjust in the MyPortfolio environment.

Participants can upload documents by going to the menu item 'My documents'. There they can find the entire structure for each document. By clicking on a plus sign on the right side of the screen, the document will be placed under the relevant section. A document can be deleted by clicking on the red trash can icon.

Facilitators can view a participant's portfolio under the menu item 'Portfolios'. Here is a list of all available participants. Click on the button 'Go to this portfolio' on the right side of the screen. Then click on the Documents tab. Supervisors can view all files here, add new files if necessary and accept and freeze documents.

Accepting a document means that it can no longer be deleted. This applies to both participants and supervisors. Participants cannot accept a document themselves.

To still be able to delete a document, a supervisor can click on the icon again to remove it from the accepted status.

Internal module name: Document

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.