  • 16 Sep 2024
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The eLearning module serves to establish LTI links with external systems, or for the use of SCORM packages. Files must be uploaded or settings entered in this module to establish these links.

An LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) link is a standard with which a connection can be made between two learning systems. To be able to set this, data is required to be able to make the link.

SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model. This makes it possible to easily transfer information from one system to another. This functionality is therefore also available in MyPortfolio. There is the option to upload a ZIP file.

In the overview of the eLearning module, all uploaded SCORM files and LTI links will be listed. Click on the top right of the screen to upload a new SCORM file or create an LTI link.

Add scorm

Adding a SCORM is done by uploading the ZIP file. There is a maximum file size of 600MB. It is possible to specify a width and a height, in the number of pixels. Furthermore, there are settings to mark the SCORM closed for candidates. This is possible when the candidate has completed the eLearning completely and/or if the candidate has passed the module.

If a new file is uploaded for a SCORM, it will replace the current package. This means that previous achievements of components will be removed if those components are no longer present in the new package.

An LTI link requires adding a number of details. The LTI key, secret and endpoint are required for the link to be established. This data comes from the software to be linked. No custom properties can be added here. These properties must each be on their own line so that the external software can recognize them.

In addition, give the LTI link a title and possibly a description. Furthermore, a success rate must be entered, which will be set to 70 by default. Finally, there is an option to disable the sending of personal data.

For some more information about LTI links, see the article: What is LTI?

Internal module name: eLearning

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.