Evaluation after training
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Evaluation after training

  • Pdf

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The settings of this module can only be applied in addition to the Training module. For an explanation of this module, see the article Training.


When a participant has completed a training, an evaluation form can be sent automatically. This form can be created in the MyPortfolio environment. Various options can be entered, such as open and multiple choice questions or assigning a grade.
The form is thus used to collect evaluations that can be used to improve the training. The participant fills in the form to give an opinion about the training by answering the questions.

Supervisors can view the statistics of completed forms in the menu item 'Evaluations'. The statistics of each training can be viewed and downloaded. Administrators also have the option to create and edit the evaluations.


For the evaluation of a training there are several possibilities to ask the participants about their experience. You can choose to use only multiple choice questions or to use open questions. Of course a combination is also an option. In addition, the other options for answering can be used to register details of the participant, such as the name and the date they started or followed the training.

Essentially any part of the training can be asked, such as difficulty level, location, and experience with the trainer and/or organization. A suggestion is to use a free space in which participants can post their own comments. For example, it is possible to place information about a part that the form does not address.


The creation of an evaluation form can be done by administrators under the menu item 'Evaluation management'. There you will find the button 'Add evaluation' at the top right. A new screen opens. Here you can enter a title for the evaluation, as well as a subject that will be used for the automated email. A standard text will be placed in the message field. It will look something like the image below:

The placeholder %URL% will automatically be replaced with a link where participants can fill in the evaluation. By removing this, this link will not appear in the email and participants will not be able to fill in anything. So make sure that this part always remains somewhere in the message!

Save the evaluation when all fields are completed. Now the content can be added to the evaluation form. To do this, click on the list icon called 'Manage evaluation content'. A new screen opens. Click on 'Add category' and give it a suitable name and possibly a description. Items can be placed under each category, it is useful to categorize questions about a specific topic. Multiple types of items can be placed per category. Click on 'Save' to add items to a category.

Click the plus icon next to a category to add an item. In the screen that follows, select a question type. Some types have additional settings. The following types may be available:

Open (one line)This type is useful when the participant has to enter text himself, which will not contain a detailed explanation. By using only one line, the evaluation form does not become unnecessarily large.
Open (multiple lines)Use this type if the participant needs to be able to provide a detailed explanation, for example to explain an answer given earlier.
DateThe participant can enter a date here, such as when indicating when the training started.
Choice (one option)With this type, input fields for options appear. As many options as desired can be entered by clicking on 'Add option'. The participant can only choose one of the options, no more. Please choose the following type for multiple options.
Choice (multiple options)Options can also be entered here. The participant can select all options.
NumberIn this type, the participant can choose a number from 1 to 10. This scale can be used to answer the question, for example "What number do you give this training?"
Recommend to othersThis type creates a block in the evaluation form with the following input options:

- Your substantive assessment on a scale of 1 to 10
- Would you recommend this to others to do?
- Would you like to report something to others who are also interested in this?

Save the item when everything is filled in. More items and categories can be added.
Go back to the overview to link the form to a project. To do this, click on the dark list icon called 'Edit availability in projects'. Choose one or more projects from the selection list to make the evaluation form available there.

If the evaluation form is set up as desired, add it when creating a training, or edit an existing training to add it there.

Internal module name: evaluation

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.