Grade list
  • 23 Aug 2023
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Grade list

  • Pdf

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An overview of assessments can be found in the menu item 'Grade list'. These assessments are linked to a certain qualification. With this set-up, one or more assessments can be added to a qualification, for example for a course with multiple tests. A new assessment is created for each test in grade management, whereby it is possible for a qualification to have multiple assessments linked.

Companion roles can record an assessment by selecting the person from a list during the assessment.

The transcript can be included in a participant's showcase. They can enable this themselves in the Showcase menu item.


The use of the gradebook module depends on the setup in the MyPortfolio environment and the classification of qualifications. If each qualification does not require more than one test or other form of assessment, then one linked assessment will suffice. This is the case, for example, if each test has its own qualification. If a qualification contains several test moments or assessments, several can therefore be drawn up.

The categories used to link to grades become visible when assessments have been assigned. Look later in this article under the heading 'View review'.


Admins and mentoring roles can create new assessments and add grade categories in the Gradebook menu item. These are used to categorize a review. Each category can eventually be seen when a participant has received multiple assessments. The ratings are only calculated against each other within a category.

Creating grade categories is the first step. To do this, click on 'Manage grade categories', which can be seen in the image above. In the next screen, click on 'Add category' to create a new one. This is easily done by giving the category a name. The sequence number indicates the position in the list box. If two or more categories have the same number, they will automatically be sorted alphabetically.

Add new review

Click on 'Add a new assessment' in the overview. Select here the desired qualification to which this assessment should be linked. Enter a name and a code.

For the type, select the method with which the assessment can be entered. There is a choice between a selection method (unsatisfactory/sufficient/good) or entering a grade manually. With manual entry, an option for a pass mark will appear, if desired. Then select the grade category. The weighting indicates the factor with which this assessment is taken into account.

The different types of methods are also settled against each other. It is not necessary to always use the same type of assessment.

Assign a rating

An assessment can be assigned to each participant in the same overview. This can be done on the right side of the screen, via the middle icon: grades beoordeling toekennen

In the next screen a participant group can be selected. All participants in this group will then be displayed. A grade or assessment can be assigned to each person. It is also an option to leave a field blank or delete an existing rating. The assessment will then appear in the overview in the example, and in the overview of the grade list.

View rating

Participants can view their assessments in the menu item 'Grade list'. This must be enabled in the background. Furthermore, there are no settings or other options.

Supervisors can find the same overview in the menu item 'List of grades' and filter there on the desired persons. There is also an overview of a participant's portfolio under the tab Instruments > List of grades.

The list of grades will be divided into categories. Only grades within a category are offset against each other.

Internal module name: grades

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.