Grant recognitions
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Grant recognitions

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Recognition allows administrators to create special keywords that can be linked to participants. Companion roles only have access to granting an acknowledgment.

Recognition can be granted via a participant's portfolio. Recognitions can be created and managed in the menu item 'Recognition overview'.


By using recognitions, managing and guiding roles can find them in a participant's portfolio. Recognitions can be given their own interpretation. For example, it is possible to register courses or training as recognition. Other important external recognitions, such as a certain diploma or first aid course, could also be added.

Different types of recognitions can be separated from each other by classifying them by category. You can create a new category when adding a new recognition.


Add acknowledgment

All created recognitions can be viewed via the Recognition overview menu item. To create a new recognition, click on 'Add recognition' at the top right. A new screen will open.

Select the desired category for the new recognition. If a new category needs to be created, select 'Create a new category' in this field and enter a name. Then choose a name for the recognition and enter a description if necessary. In addition, an image that belongs to this specific recognition can be added.

Grant recognition

Accompanying roles can assign all created recognitions to a participant. This can be done by going to the Portfolios menu item. Select the desired portfolio there.

Then move the mouse to the 'Participant' tab and click on 'Recognition'. The page that opens lists all the acknowledgments of this person. At the top right is the button 'Grant Recognitions'. Click on it to assign a new one. This can easily be done by ticking the desired recognition on the right side of the screen and clicking on 'Save'.

Internal module name: Recognition

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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