Information finder
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Information finder

  • Pdf

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The information finder enables different user roles to view data based on a map (Google Maps). Administrators create a point based on a zip code, which contains textual information. Each part can be divided into different categories, where each category can be color coded.

It is an option to connect information points to each other. When linking, an information point at the bottom of the page in MyPortfolio will show the linked points.

When zooming in on the map, only information points that belong to visible postal codes will be shown. When only the province of Utrecht is visible, only postal codes in that area will show the information points. This can be used by participants if they only want to view a specific area.


The information search can be used for posting internships, workplaces and more. The interpretation that is given to it is entirely according to your own wishes. Because it can be bound to a zip code, it is easy to place close to the desired location, without the need for exact data.

The categories can be used to create different sectors, such as ICT. Subsequently, various information points can be linked to this.


Administrators can create categories and add new information in the menu item 'Information finder'. First create the categories, because new information must be linked to a category. This can be done at the top right of the screen under 'Information search categories', click on this to open a new screen.

Then click the "Add Information Finder Category" button at the top. Enter a suitable title and choose the desired color for this category. The linked information will keep this color on the map. Optionally enter a description and select whether the category information should also be visible on Google Maps. Click on 'Save' and return to the overview.

Add information

Add information using the "Add Information" button. At the top, select the category it will be associated with. Choose a title and enter a short description. It is also possible to add an extensive description. If necessary, link the new information to another, existing information point. Finally, it can be set that the information is visible to guests who can access the MyPortfolio environment.

Other users

Other user roles can view the various information points on the basis of the postal codes in the menu item 'Information finder' on the Google Maps map. Click on 'Read more!' at an information point to view the full information.

Internal module name: informationsearch

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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