Knowledge base
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Knowledge base

  • Pdf

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With the menu item Ideas (default name, Knowledge base is often used) it is possible to create information blocks. These can contain different components, such as videos, text boxes, or assignments. Categories are used that are linked to a specific information block. A participant can click on one or more categories in the ideas feed. On the right side of the screen, the corresponding information blocks are displayed based on the selected categories. Such a set-up can ultimately serve as a knowledge base within the MijnPortfolio environment.

By selecting multiple selection fields, only subjects that are linked to those selections are shown on the right side. Thus, more selected fields equals a more specific selection of ideas.

Note that when multiple categories are selected, only ideas that contain all selected categories will be shown.


It is possible to create a knowledge base-like setup with the Ideas module. When creating an idea, use different categories, each containing a specific topic. With this method, a series or collection of ideas can be created for an overarching topic. Consider, for example, the subject of 'plants'. This becomes the main category in the category management. The subordinate subjects are placed in the subcategory, such as "trees", "bushes", and "flowers".

ideeen categoriebeheer

The image above shows the layout of the categories in the category manager. The image below shows how this example is presented in MyPortfolio. In this case, only the subject "flowers" is selected.

ideeen voorbeeld


The Ideas menu item presents the image from the preview as it will be shown to all users. To create an idea, click on 'Idea management' at the top right of the screen.

The ideas are created in the idea management. These contain the (text) boxes in which the information is placed. This can also be done, for example, in the form of a video or an external link. A short description can also be entered. This is the description that can be read in the image from the example. Click on 'Add idea' to create a new idea. Enter the desired text here and set for which user roles this idea is available.

The idea category management can also be found in this overview. This option is in the top right of the screen. Click on 'Add category' in that overview. Entering an existing text in the field for the main category (such as 'Plants' in the example) will group all subcategories under that main category.

In the background it is possible to show certain parts only to specific qualifications. Please contact Paragin for this.

Internal module name: idea

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.