Merging users
  • 22 Aug 2023
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Merging users

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Merging users causes one of the accounts to be deleted permanently. So this cannot be reversed. Only use this function if it is absolutely certain that the account to be deleted is no longer in use. As much information as possible will be transferred

Merge participants

In MyPortfolio, participants can be merged with a special option. This must be set in the background settings to make use of it. When enabled, an icon will appear in the participants' portfolio overview. In the image below this is indicated by the square.

merge participants

Merging accounts requires the account to be deleted to be archived. So there is one account under the Active tab and one under the Archived tab.

Click on the merge icon. A new screen will open, containing a drop-down list and an input field. The drop-down list contains all archived accounts. From this, select the desired account that will eventually be deleted. In the input field, copy the confirmation text, as an additional check to prevent unintentional deletion.

When merging, the following are good to know:

  • The most up-to-date data will be retained. This refers, for example, to questionnaires that had been completed by both accounts.
  • It is not possible to merge accounts from different environments.
  • Only administrator roles are able to merge participants.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.