  • 24 Aug 2023
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This functionality makes it possible to place notes with/about a participant. This module can be made available for all roles, except the participant. The participant himself does not see the notes. In the profile of the participant there is a tab to show an overview of all notes.

If the supervisor is changed, the notes made remain with the participant. Categories can be entered from Paragin, which can then be linked to a note. Think of terms such as 'absent', 'appointment' or 'sick'. It is possible to click on these categories, so that all notes for that participant can be easily viewed. The notes can also be printed in PDF format.


This module can be used to create a dossier-like setup for a participant. By making a collection of notes, current and (possible) future supervisors have an overview of this participant.

It can also serve as a form of a logbook, recording activities from a specific date. In this way, the module can be viewed as a reminder of certain events, such as the absence of a person.


A supervisor can make a note by looking up the relevant participant on the 'Portfolios' page and clicking on 'Go to this portfolio'. Subsequently, a menu item 'Notes' is available. Among other things, a note can be added under this menu via the 'Add note' button. A new screen opens with a text box in it. There is the option to add a date to the note and possibly files. After saving, the note will be visible in the overview. The annotation is visible to everyone directly involved in this participant process (except the participant).

For general notes between users, which do not specifically belong to a participant or need to be placed with the participant, the functionality Note box can be used.

It is possible to make the 'Annotations overview' menu available for all accompanying roles, where all the annotations that have been placed with participants can be viewed. In this overview you can filter on which notes should be displayed.

Internal module name: Notes

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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