Monitor participant activity
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Monitor participant activity

  • Pdf

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With this module, administrator and supervisor can see an overview of the activities of participants. The timeline view places all these activities in a chronological overview, with the most recent activities at the top. The participant must have added these activities to the portfolio himself.

The activities can be downloaded as an Excel file. The adjustments that have been made can also be exported. The export gives the information divided into columns.

Activity is shown from the last 30 days by default. This can be adjusted by Paragin if desired.


The module can be used to check whether a participant has done a certain activity. In the event that, for example, a file or an assignment cannot be found, this can possibly be viewed with the help of this module.


There are no direct settings for this module, other than exporting or downloading the data.

Exporting produces a file in which the actions of participants are divided by data, such as the status of the portfolio, the name of the participant, the portfolio part that has been changed and the date on which the change took place.

Downloading an Excel file here contains roughly the same as what can be seen in the overview of the timeline.

Internal module name: Timeline

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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