Planning exams with the Examplatform
  • 24 Aug 2023
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Planning exams with the Examplatform

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Planning an exam

Exams are scheduled from the MyPortfolio environment. On the left side of the screen, navigate to the Exam Dashboard module. In the overview that follows, there are three selection menus: Qualification, Participant Group and Participant. Below that again are two columns for Open Actions and Exam Schedule.

Figure 1
First, select a qualification. Next, a table will appear in the overview. This lists all the candidates who can be registered for this. To do this, a candidate must first be linked to the chosen qualification. Please refer to the following article: Qualifications and Qualification Files.

The image on the right shows an example of three students with different statuses for exam 'LM'. Demo student 1 has a green block lined up, indicating that it has completed the exam with a pass. Demostudent 2 heeft een onvoldoende gehaald, te zien aan het rode blok. Demostudent 3 heeft een grijskleurig blok, wat aangeeft dat er nog geen examen is ingepland. De volledige legenda is te zien in de afbeelding hieronder.

Figuur 1

Klik bij een deelnemer op het grijskleurige blok om een examen te plannen. Als er bij het aanmaken van dit examen instructies waren ingevoerd, worden die hier getoond. Examens die meerdere onderdelen bevatten kunnen per onderdeel worden gepland. Nadat op een van de blokken is geklikt, volgt een scherm met (een deel van) de volgende opties:

Locatie / adres / plaatsVul hier de specifieke gegevens in voor de locatie van het examen.
Exam partChoose for each part whether it should be scheduled or not.
Begin date/start timeFill in the start date and start time of the exam.
End Date/End TimeEnter the end date and end time of the exam. This end date and end time are not binding: the exam can also be taken at a later time.
EvaluatorSelect the examiner who will evaluate the exam.
Assessor 2If necessary, select a second examiner, who will or will not assess the exam online.

After setting up the data, click on 'Add exam submission'. A number of situations are now possible, which apply to the status of the exam (see also the legend):

  • Situation 1: If not all exam items of the exam have been scheduled yet and the start date of the exam items has not passed yet, the block colors grey/white striped. Applicable only if the exam consists of multiple parts.
  • Situation 2**: If not all parts of the exam have been scheduled yet, but the start date of the exam parts has already passed, the block colors blue/white striped. Applicable only if the exam consists of multiple parts.
  • Situation 3: If (all the exam parts of) the exam is (or are) scheduled and the start date of the exam parts has not yet passed, the block colors grey.
  • Situation 4**: If (all the exam items of) the exam is (or are) scheduled, but the start date of the exam items has already passed, the cube colors blue.

In all four situations, an examiner may review one or more exam items from a student as of the exam start time. When the exam is administered for the first time, a 1't appears after the exam.

Assign exams in bulk.

It is possible to assign multiple exams to a participant at the same time. Go to the overview with all portfolios (default name: Portfolios). There, select the desired participant(s) using the check boxes. Then, for the 'Link test' action, select all exams needed and click on 'Link tests' at the bottom of the page.

Participant: enter and schedule exam

A participant can enter and submit a practice exam by going to the module that lists all available practice exams. This does need to be set up by administrators. The default name of the module is 'Practice Exams' (this may have changed to, for example, 'My Exams'). For an exam, click the 'To this...' button, the dots will be replaced with the specific term used by the environment.

The assignment entered when creating this exam will now be displayed. Instructions will indicate how the assignment will need to be completed. The assignment may require a document to be uploaded. It may also require a particular document to be downloaded from the MyPortfolio environment first.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.