Progress measurement
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Progress measurement

  • Pdf

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This module can be found under the menu item Dashboard management (default name). This is used to show assignments to users associated with certain qualifications. These assignments can contain different parts, in which one or more assignments can be completed by administrators. A structure of assignments is ultimately displayed for participants, depending on the qualification(s) they are linked to.


The assignments can be completed as desired. Various options can be used, such as inserting images, symbols, tables or entering HTML.


Administrators can create a dashboard in the overview by clicking on 'Add dashboard'. Give the dashboard a title and a description and possibly link a questionnaire. Then qualifications need to be added. Do this by clicking on the list icon called 'Linked qualifications' on the right side of the screen. In the next screen, select the desired qualifications. Inactive qualifications can also be selected.

The other list icon, 'Manage items', allows administrators to create new items. A part contains a number of commands. Therefore, use these sections to separate assignments with a specific subject, for example.

Create a new part with the "Add part" button. Give the part a title, a category and optionally add an image. Enter explanations and information for participants in the box below. There is also a field available to fill in learning objectives, if applicable. Here too, a questionnaire can be assigned and a training can be linked if necessary. Finally, save the part.

Click on the list icon for 'Manage assignments' at a section on the right to add the assignments. Click on 'New assignment' to create one. Give the command a name. Below that, the assignment can be created in the field. It is possible to paste a command from Word, if formatting was already applied there.

Internal module name: assignment dashboard

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.