  • 30 Oct 2023
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Questionnaires are created in the menu item Questionnaire management. Questionnaires are completed by one person: the participant or a supervisor. It is also possible to send the questionnaire to an external respondent.

An administrator can create questionnaires. For example, the following options can be chosen: who should fill in the list, who can see it, how the questions and results should be presented and how the questionnaire should be distributed to the right people.

Open questions, choice questions and yes/no questions can be created under one or more categories. It is also possible to request a date as an answer, a grade or a file upload.


Questionnaires can be simple or comprehensive. It can contain a single question or a series of questions. The content of the questionnaire can be anything from multiple choice questions to assignment submissions. For example, by including upload functions in a question, participants can add their own file to complete assignments.

The settings when creating a questionnaire allow the results to be displayed in a rose or bar chart. Accompanying roles can thus get a good overview of the answers given by the participants. This is possible for multiple choice questions, choice list with one option and open questions. If participants are allowed to complete a questionnaire multiple times, a progress overview is also available to measure change.

Questionnaires can be included in the Articles module.


All created questionnaires are listed in the questionnaire management overview. These can be edited by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the screen. New questionnaires can also be created in this overview. Click on 'Add new questionnaire' at the top right of the screen.

Add questionnaire

  1. First enter a name, category, internal name and a short summary for the new questionnaire. A background color can also be set.
  2. A number of roles are listed under questionnaire rights. First indicate which roles can view these questionnaires. The selected roles will now also become available in the other options. Now set which roles are allowed to complete the questionnaire. The roles that can rate are the same, except that participants cannot rate their own questionnaire. In addition, a confirmation email can be sent to certain roles after someone has completed the questionnaire.
  3. The set-up of the questionnaire is set in the questionnaire options. Set whether the categories will be displayed while filling in and whether all questions will be displayed on a page at the same time or per question. Then there are several options for matching, showing results, changes of completed answers and assessments. By enabling the option 'Change the default selection options', new fields become available. For example, the options can be changed, with a maximum of ten options.
  4. Set how this questionnaire should be assigned to a participant. This can be done manually or automatically. With automatic it is possible to assign based on user type or on qualification.
  5. Then there are fields for an introductory text, closing text and an introductory text above the results of this questionnaire.
  6. Save the questionnaire when the settings have been completed as desired. A new questionnaire will appear in the overview under the 'Inactive' tab.

Add categories and items

Each questionnaire must contain at least one item and one category before it can be activated. Under the column 'Options' for a questionnaire, use the list icon called 'Manage questionnaire content'. Click on this to open a new screen and click on 'Add new category' in the next screen.

Give the category a name, a code and possibly an introduction. The category appears in the overview after saving. To the right of the category, click the plus icon to add a new item to the category.

A new screen will open again. In this screen, select whether the item should contain a question, a signature field, or a word processor. If 'Question' is selected, provide a statement and optional additional notes. Below that, the type of question can be set. Each of these types has a number of different settings for greater flexibility.

The feedback field option allows participants to provide an explanation of the answer. This function is available for several question types.


Changing answer options for a question can be done by using the option: Modify the default options of the multiple choice questions.

List of choices (one option)This requires a participant to choose one option from a drop-down list.
Choice (one option)Set whether the choice options should be shuffled.
Choice (multiple options)If there are several correct options, select this option.
Yes/NoOnly 'Yes' or 'No' can be selected as an answer.
Open (one line)When filling in, one line of text is made available.
Open (multiple lines)With this option, a contact message can be sent after the answer has been entered.
DateUse this option to enter a date.
Digit (1-10)With this option a number field becomes available. Select whether it should be a list box or an input field.
File UploadUse this option to enable file upload.

Save the category to add any sub-items.

Add sub-items

Now that a new item has been created, it is possible to add sub-items. A sub-item can be linked to an answer from the item to which it is subordinated. Click on 'Add sub-item' on the right side of the overview of an item.

These settings can be different depending on what question type the item is. For example, with a multiple choice option, one of the answer options must be selected. A new item can then be added to that answer: a question, signature field or a word processor.

If the option 'Question' is chosen again, the same options will become available as when creating a 'normal' item. Look above at the options of Add categories and items.

Internal module name: questionnaire

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.