  • 23 Aug 2023
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  • Pdf

Samenvatting van het artikel


This functionality can be made available to the participant to present himself from his portfolio. The participant can create a public or private showcase. For a public showcase, a URL is chosen by the participant (partially), which can then be visited publicly. A private showcase is secured with a pin code, after which people can be specifically invited to view the showcase. It is also possible to send an invitation to a person involved in the portfolio to view/assess the showcase.

The public showcase can be linked to the participant pool, so that you can click directly through to the showcase in the participant pool.


It is not possible to see which MyPortfolio environment the showcase comes from. This was done deliberately. The idea is that the portfolio is owned by the participant and that they themselves determine what the portfolio looks like.


  • Participants can prepare their portfolio as a CV. This can be useful for finding a potential employer or internship. By adding the showcase to this portfolio, this can be more focused with the help of a properly configured MyPortfolio environment.

  • Another example of the showcase is the portfolio as a review page. A selection can be made for the portfolio, which can then be submitted to, for example, an assessor role. He can then assess the submitted work and draw up an assessment report.


Both the public and the closed showcase can be put together by the participant as desired with the contents of the portfolio. For example, the name, contact details and a passport photo can be included, social media or websites, courses followed, diplomas and certificates. Depending on the modules used within the portfolio, for example, ambition and motivation, questionnaires, photos & videos and recognitions can be added.

The participant can give the showcase its own look & feel by choosing colours, a (own or MyPortfolio) background image and adjusting the order of the information.

The following modules are linked to the showcase module:

  • Ambition module
  • Portfolio module
  • Questionnaire module
  • Recognitions module
  • Testimonials module

Internal module name: Showcase

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.