  • 23 Aug 2023
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The tasks module is intended for creating tasks. Facilitators do this for the participants. It is possible for supervisors to link a task to several participants. What the task entails can be specified by the supervisors when creating it. After completing the task, participants can indicate that it has been completed. Then supervisors can approve or disapprove the task. In the event of rejection, a participant must make adjustments and resubmit.


The name of this module resolves to something else in many environments, for example "Assignments".


The task module can be used as an overview of assignments for participants to perform. Think of assignments related to working with the MyPortfolio environment, or procedures and knowledge that are dealt with in the environment.


Facilitators can create a new task by going to the module and then clicking on 'Add task'. On the screen that follows, a title, category and description can be entered in succession. Below that are three options:

  • Is the task required for the participant(s) to perform?
  • Will the participants see a text field? (This can be helpful to support the task, but is not required.)
  • Does a file need to be uploaded?

Once the task has been created, it can be linked to one or more participants. This can be done by clicking on the chain symbol next to the relevant task on the right side of the screen. Then select the desired participants from the list, after which they can perform and/or complete the task.

Internal module name: task

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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