User organisation
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

User organisation

  • Pdf

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The organization data can be entered in the organization management. Participants in the environment can be linked to an organization. This can be useful when you need to filter on a specific organization, for example if the participants come from different, external organizations. There is no limit to the number of organizations that can be created, so the module can serve as a database.

There is a link with the data known to the Chamber of Commerce (KvK). When creating a new organization, a list of known names appears.


Umbrella organizations

If your own organization has external customers, it can be useful to link the organizations to them as well. An example of this is offering certifications. When a participant needs a certificate, this may be the wish of the organization to which this participant belongs. By including an organization in the MyPortfolio environment, it can be linked to the new participant.

The list of candidates can be filtered by organisations. If an action has to be taken that concerns all relevant participants, this way it is easy to search without having to search for each participant separately.


Create an organization

Creating an organization can only be done by administrators. Go to the module 'Organization management'. Click on 'Add organization' Here you can enter the data. The only mandatory field is the name, the other data are optional. Click on 'Save' to create the organization.

When entering the name, a list of known organization names will appear after a few seconds. Click on the relevant name (if it is in the list), after which all known data will be entered automatically.

Assigning an Organization

Assigning an organization to a participant can be done in the edit screen for the participants. Click on 'Edit' for a participant to adjust the details. There is a drop-down menu under the heading 'Organization'. Select the relevant organization and save the changes.

Internal module name: userorganisation

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.