Release Notes 2023
  • 25 Sep 2023
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Release Notes 2023

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24-09-2023 RemindoTest Release 23.5

Versie: 23.5.00


During November, there will be network maintenance where Remindo's network will be renewed. The exact time is not yet known, but one of the goals is to make Remindo also available through the IPv6 protocol. With this we want to be even better prepared for the future and have more possibilities to scale Remindo later on.
In practical terms, it may mean that Remindo will be accessible via new IP addresses from then on. This is particularly relevant for all organizations using whitelists based on IP addresses to access Remindo (both for APIs and in test rooms). Organisaties die gebruik maken van whitelists op basis van domeinnamen (dit zal het vaakst voorkomen) hoeven niks te doen en migreren automatisch mee. The exact date of the maintenance will be announced at a later stage along with the new IP ranges Remindo will be using.

Updates RemindoToetsManager


  • The question type worksheet question can now also be created as an open question. When the worksheet question is chosen as an open question, it will no longer be automatically graded but will be graded, like the other open questions, through a correction round.After the question type 'Worksheet (open question)' is chosen, the worksheet question can be created like the automatically reviewed worksheet question.However, no scoring areas are specified, but grading criteria.


  • Under 'Manage Users', a selection of users can be made via the button at the top of the page. For some time, the selection also searched inactive users, even if this was not checked.This is now fixed.


  • Previously, it was already possible to retroactively transfer the most recent version of the caesura of the test matrix to all connected collection environments. From this release it is possible to also transfer the adjustments to the feedback components in the same way.
    This also creates the possibility to retroactively adjust a composite caesura. The button to continue settings can now be found at the top of the test matrix history. This is followed by a popup with a choice for the from date and which settings to push.

Updates RemindoTest Taking


  • The interfaces of our OOAPI implementation have been updated to version 0.9 of the OKE appointment set, as described on the Edustandaard website.
    Paragin is participating in several pilots of the OOAPI project. In a first pilot, Eduarte is being used for participant registration, test planning and logistics, and Remindo for test administration, processing the results and feeding back to the student information system. Based on the first tests in this pilot, the OOAPI working group, in which we also participate, has updated the OKE appointment set within this standard. We have updated our implementation based on this.
    In the Release Notes of Remindo Release 23.1 the previously shared information on this topic can be found.
  • In the coming period a number of functionalities will be added/adapted to Remindo so that we are in line with the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines at an even higher level. By following these guidelines Remindo becomes more accessible for people with disabilities. In the test environment, so-called 'skiplinks' are now being used, so that candidates can quickly access the relevant information during tests, for example by using the tab and/or enter key. A skiplink ensures that menu buttons and headings are 'skipped' in order to reach the content immediately. Candidates can navigate using the tab key and it is made clearer which element is selected.


  • From now on it is also possible to add or change feedback reports in the administration environment (provided that the test matrix allows the scores to be adjusted in the administration environment). This can be done both before and after taking the test and only during a test moment.
    The settings can be found under the heading 'Test matrix settings' in the registration settings. By adjusting the settings, an existing feedback component can be edited or a new component can be added.
    If a component is edited or added, the feedback component is displayed in the same way as in the administration environment, including all possible settings. These changes can also be seen later in the log of the test moment and the log of the corresponding results.
  • When the cursor is hovered over the correction rounds icon in the planning, the displayed tooltip now also shows the correction rounds with the status 'in draft'.

Results and Analysis

  • In the analysis it is possible to filter on the status 'No correction round assigned'. A correction round can now be created directly for these results, via the actions.
    To do this, select the candidates and choose 'Manage correction rounds' at the bottom of the actions.


  • Via Administration -> Settings -> General tab -> Language you can now set the English language to use 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour notation. This sets which time notation is used for the entire environment.

30-07-2023 RemindoToets Release 23.4

Version: 23.4.00


The interfaces of our OOAPI implementation have been updated to version 0.8 of the OKE appointment set, as described on the Edustandaard website.

Paragin is participating in several pilots of the OOAPI project. In a first pilot, Eduarte is being used for participant registration, test planning and logistics, and RemindoToets for test administration, processing results and feeding back to the student information system. Based on the first tests in this pilot, the OOAPI working group, in which we also participate, has updated the OKE appointment set within this standard. We have updated our implementation based on this.

In the Release Notes of Release 23.1, the previously shared information on this topic can be found.

Updates RemindoToetsManager


The implementation of AlgebraKiT has been updated to the latest version.


In 'Manage question properties' an additional setting has been added, namely 'One value per question'. Through this setting it can be determined that only one option may be assigned to a question per question property. This setting can also be combined with the 'Mandatory property' setting, which means that one value must always be specified. In addition, this option is useful when using a test matrix based on a matrix: when a question property is used as a criterion, questions may only have one value each on a question property.

Updates RemindoTest Player

Test taking

When using the scientific version of the RemindoToets calculator, the result on the root of a negative number displayed a 0. An error message is now displayed, namely that the (negative) input for the root function is incorrect.
In an exercise or practice test where feedback is given immediately after answering a question, it is now possible to open any PDF attachment (belonging to the question) at this location.


  • In the log of the test moment we recorded at what time the first candidate started the test, which meant that the settings of the test moment were permanently fixed. Here we always showed the name of this first started candidate. This could cause confusion because this was in fact a random student. We now replaced this name by showing that it is an automatic action.
  • In the candidate list of a review moment it is now also shown if the account of a candidate is inactive, this already happened with a test moment. An inactive candidate cannot log in and view the inspection moment, so it will be necessary to see if the candidate needs to be made active again.
  • In the log of a review moment, the from/to time to be started was displayed in the time display of the user who had made the adjustment. This allowed the 24-hour clock and AM/PM display to be mixed up. All times will now be displayed in the time display of the user currently viewing the log.

Results and analysis

  • If a test contains unanswered open-ended questions, the pie and bar graphs remained grayed out in the analysis. The same color gray is used to represent unanswered questions, which is confusing. The charts are now colored yellow if there are unanswered questions.
  • If a test contains many questions and there are many readings of this test, then in the analysis under the 'Result Details' and 'Analyze Questions' tabs, these tabs can take a long time to load. For this reason, a status bar is now shown during loading. This status bar also indicates how many answers need to be analyzed.

Correction rounds and answer model changes

  • When adjusting the answer model of an input question, another answer to be approved can be selected from a list of given answers. By default, this answer received 1 point even though the other answers had more points. This option now takes over the set points from the original correct answers.
  • When an answer model adjustment is added and there is already an adjustment for the same question (and version), when the status is made active the following message will be shown: 'There is one other active answer model adjustment. Please note that only one answer model adjustment can be applied to the result at a time.'
  • When correctors were added in a correction round in bulk, for several lines at once, for example, the lines remained selected after applying the action. We have now made sure that after applying an action, the selection is undone, so that further distribution can be easily continued.


  • It is now possible to import candidate groups (Manage > Candidates > Manage candidate groups > Import candidate groups). Candidate groups could already be created manually per group or through a candidate import. With large numbers, in the latter case it is sometimes more convenient that the candidate groups already exist.
    Candidate groups (and categories) can be imported by adding the names manually in the next screen. If the names are in columns in an Excel file, they can be copied and pasted from Excel.
  • In the rights and roles, the right to view or not view the details of the result has been added for the role 'Training Coordinator'.

21-05-2023 RemindoToets Release 23.3

Version: 23.3.00

Updates RemindoToetsManager


  • On the 'Settings' tab, under the heading 'Delivery settings', an adjustment has been made: in the old situation, under the 2nd item (see image below for the setting in question), a check was made whether the visibility of the results in the administration environment could be adjusted.
    In the new situation, this setting is no longer in this list, but below it. This is because this setting has been expanded. It is now possible to determine which specific parts of the result may be adjusted in the result environment. Of course it is also possible to choose 'Yes' or 'No' for all visibility settings at once.
    When changing the visibility settings in the sampling environment, only the set options are shown.
  • The 'Example' tab did not show the correct version of the question when it was a fixed version of a question. This has been fixed.

Updates RemindoTest Player


  • When the linked course of a result was no longer delivered, it was not possible to schedule a review moment. From this release on this is possible.

Correction rounds and answer model adjustments

  • It is now possible to specify a percentage for each corrector in the extended revision round. This allows the standard proportional distribution (2 correctors, both 50%) to be changed to, for example, 2 correctors, one of whom checks 80% and the other 20%.
    To apply this, when creating a new correction round, the "Extended Review Distribution" must be selected. Then it is chosen whether there should be a connection between proofreader and candidate and then it can be chosen to specify the distribution in percentages between proofreaders.
    When adding the correctors, at test, line or question level, a percentage can then be assigned to each corrector, via 'My Selection'. Initially an automatic distribution will be made, which of course can be adjusted. If a total of 100% is not entered, the 'Finalize Selection' button will turn orange with the message that if the selection is continued, the remaining distribution will be done automatically.

Results and analysis

  • The group analysis now includes the maximum score for the test and any feedback reports.


  • New functionality has been added for bulk linking of many courses or candidate groups.
    When filtering on a search term and/or category, a button appears to add the entire selection found to the current selection at once.
    In addition, the linking window now contains an extra button.
    After clicking this button, the list of groups to be linked changes to an input field for manual selection.
    In the field, add one candidate group per line. To add candidate groups from a specific category, enter it as follows: "Category > Group".
    Clicking the "Select" button on the left will add the chosen groups to the "Current Selection" list. After that, clicking the 'Select' button on the bottom right is still required and the actual link is made to a whole series of groups at once.

2023-03-26 RemindoTest Release 23.2

Version: 23.2.00


  • We are busy behind the scenes to shape the integration of the math test questions and functionalities of SOWISO in RemindoTest. This extension makes it possible to include the math questions from SOWISO in tests and practice tests and to combine them with the other question types from RemindoTest. Good progress is being made and we hope to be able to show some of the first phase to interested parties soon.

Updates RemindoTestManager

To ask

  • When editing a question, the buttons “Don't save”, “Save as a new copy” and “Save” have been moved. These buttons were shown in a different order than in the rest of RemindoToets. We have chosen to place them in a logical order for now.
    In addition, the preview screen of the test question refreshes better during editing after adding and editing various parts, so that the button to manually refresh the preview is no longer necessary.
  • Another adjustment has been made for editing a question. The parts of the question shown on the left now contain a button to go to the settings or to edit the part. In addition, the buttons to move, copy or delete the part are now fixed, so they are always immediately available.
  • The implementation of AlgebraKiT has been updated to the latest version. Via AlgebraKiT we have been informed about the following changes:
    • Bug fixes and improvements in the engine;
    • Robustness. Candidate entries are saved before being evaluated so that they cannot be lost in case of error;
  • If a user does not have access to the test matrices, he will not be able to use the filter 'Used in test matrices' in the question bank.


  • A new icon has been added to make it easier to see whether a test matrix is set to not be delivered to the test environment. This icon can be seen on the left in the list of test matrices.
    This icon is displayed when the option 'Never deliver this test matrix to delivery environments' is selected in the Delivery settings.
    The icon is only shown when the test matrix has been saved and approved. All icons for other statuses, such as not yet saved or draft, take precedence over this new icon.

Updates RemindoTest Administration


  • We have made the start button on the candidate's dashboard a bit clearer textually, so that it is now also slightly larger.
  • If a PDF is opened as an attachment in the instruction text of a test matrix, the instruction text itself will close in the background. This also makes this PDF movable across the screen and easier to use during the test.
  • With an upload question, the time of adding the file is now shown after uploading and processing the file.

Schedule and Log

  • In the logbook of an assessment moment, it is now better recorded whether and, if so, to which location a candidate is linked. When the location for a candidate is changed, this can now also be read in the log.
  • In addition, the log of the test moment now also shows when the test for a specific candidate (via the Activities overview) was canceled during the test.
  • If it has been set that the result of an assessment moment must be published as provisional or delayed, this will now also be recorded in the log of the assessment moment.
  • It was not possible to schedule a viewing moment for a test matrix that had the status 'for repair' or 'archived'. In addition, it was not possible to plan an inspection moment of a test moment when the linked training was no longer delivered to the administration environment. In all these cases it is now possible to schedule an inspection for the result.
  • If a user has access to the planning page, but no rights to create/edit correction rounds, then this user will no longer see the message that no correction rounds have been created for this test moment.

Correction rounds and answer model adjustments

  • If an answer model adjustment is made to an open question, whereby it is chosen to reopen the correction round, a message about the consequence of this choice is now displayed in various ways. The correction work will then have to be reassessed by the corrector. This is not intended in all cases, but was sometimes accidentally set by the user.

User management

  • When importing supervisors, the e-mail address was not a mandatory field (it was with manual entry). This has now been standardized, so that an e-mail address is always required.

29-01-2023 RemindoTest Release 23.1

Version: 23.1.00


  • LTI 1.3
    LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability and is the standard with which RemindoTest can be easily added and linked to course management software, learning management systems (LMS) or electronic learning environments (ELO). LTI is a global standard from 1EdTech (formerly called IMS Global), and a standard that we are happy to support because of our view that Open Standards play an important
    be a facilitator to allow software to add value to education.

RemindoToets could already be linked to other systems via LTI 1.1, but with this release we now also support the latest LTI version 1.3. This makes it easy to start (practice) tests from other platforms.

RemindoToets currently continues to support version 1.1 so that existing links continue to work, but 1EdTech recommends phasing out the outdated version 1.1 of LTI.

The use of version 1.3 has a number of advantages:

  • Enhanced security based on OAuth2 and JSON Web Tokens;
  • Simple and unambiguous way of configuring the link;
  • Support for LTI Advantage Service “Deep Linking”: This allows a teacher to choose a (practice) test directly from the LMS that needs to be added and it is no longer necessary to look up an LTI link in advance in
    Remindo Test as always had to be done with LTI 1.1;
  • Support for LTI Advantage Service “Assignment and Grade Services”: an improved way of reporting grades/results, with more detail than LTI 1.1 allowed.

In addition to supporting the new version of LTI, we have also simplified the management of the LTI links within RemindoToets. All settings and information required to set up a link can be found in one place in the Collection environment under Management > Settings > “LTI” tab.

Consult the documentation of the LMS or ELO to learn how to add and use an LTI link.
For the time being, as stated, we will continue to support LTI 1.1 until further information, the operation of which will remain unchanged. However, we recommend using version 1.3 for new links and thus phasing out version 1.1.

  • Open Education API (OOAPI)
    An initiative has been launched by the MBO Council and MBO Digital to develop a standard based on the Open Education API to link systems within education. In addition to Paragin, various other suppliers are affiliated with this initiative: CACI (Osiris), Oracle (Peoplesoft), Topicus (Eduarte), Visma Advitrae (Xedule) and Xebic (OnTrack). Kennisnet, Surf, MBO digital and Network Examination and Digitization (NED) are also involved, as are various
    exam suppliers and MBO institutions.

This standard describes a link between various functionalities to exchange data in a uniform manner:

  • Participant registration: the student data, including the courses and modules that the students follow and the associated tests that they must take;
  • Test planning & test logistics: the administration schedule for the tests and exams;
  • Test administration: where the test of the group of students takes place and results are created.

In this Release we have added the interfaces described for the test administration functionality. Paragin is participating in a first pilot of the OOAPI project, in which Eduarte will be used for participant registration, test planning and logistics, and RemindoToets for test administration, processing the results and providing feedback to the student information system.

The starting point of OOAPI is that the standard and the associated new API endpoints can be used by everyone, but it is expected that adjustments will be made to the described standard after the aforementioned pilot.

We will stay in the Release Notes of the upcoming RemindoToets releases
inform you about the progress of this new, impactful Dutch open standard.


1. Questions

  • When adding an image to a question, the "Allow Image Enlargement" setting is now set to "Yes" by default.

2. Keys

  • In the list of test matrices, on the left side of the screen, we now also show the total number of questions for tests of the test matrix type.
  • On the 'Settings' tab of a test matrix, a new section has been added at the bottom, called 'Question detail settings'. This option makes it possible that the name of the author of the questions within the test is not shown with the question information in the administration environment.
  • On the same tab, we've added some additional options to the maximum retakes picklist (the retake settings). As a result, it is now possible to set up to, for example, 10 resits.

RemindoTest Administration

1. Decrease

  • While a candidate is taking a test, the buttons that are needed during the test are now more accessible via the keyboard (tab key).
  • When using a question of type AlgebraKiT, in some cases an extra button (within this question type) was shown to save the answer. This could be confusing, so now only the button from RemindoTest is shown.
  • If a test contains feedback components that contain open questions, then the feedback report was not shown immediately after the test (if set).
    The report will be shown from now on, with some parts not yet having results because they still need to be checked.

2. Scheduling

  • When adding candidates to a test moment, a message is now given when this test has already been taken for this candidate and the candidate in question therefore already has a result for the test in question. This notification is purely for information purposes and has no further consequences for the test. Once scheduled, the candidate can simply take the test again.

3. Results and Analysis

  • In the Excel export of the page “All results” a column has been added to better indicate the type of result. The column “Result” will show the result achieved and the new column “Type of result” will show whether this result is a grade, a percentage or a number of points.

4. Review answers

  • While checking answers to open questions, the corresponding answer model can be opened (if it has been added to the question). While it is open, the points for the assessment criteria can now be given at the same time, previously this pop-up had to be closed first.

5. Management and API

  • It is now possible to include the Training Coordinator option for the Supervisor role via the import. This can be included in the import file via an extra column and imported. In the sample file this column has also been added;
  • When an export is subsequently made of these users, the training linked to this extra role will also be shown in a separate column;
  • For most roles, the right to add/edit correction rounds has been added as an adjustable right. The roles where this is not the case are roles that need no connection to this right;
  • A new API call has been added to delete archived users via the API.

Annual planning

We plan 6 smaller releases for next year, with relatively smaller amounts of changes per release. Each release will be available on Preview 2 weeks before the Release to be viewed and tried. As soon as a release becomes available on Preview, we will of course inform you by sending Release Notes to see what's new in that release.

The following moments are noted in our agenda:

RemindoTest Release 23.1

Release on Preview: Saturday, January 14, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, January 29, 2023

RemindoTest Release 23.2

Release on Preview: Saturday, March 11, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, March 26, 2023

RemindoTest Release 23.3

Release on Preview: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, May 21, 2023

RemindoTest Release 23.4

Release on Preview: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, July 30, 2023

RemindoTest Release 23.5

Release on Preview: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, September 24, 2023

RemindoTest Release 23.6

Release on Preview: Saturday, November 4, 2023
Release on Production: Sunday, November 19, 2023