  • 24 Jul 2023
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Samenvatting van het artikel

Different notifications are available for most roles. Whether the notifications are used can be set for each role. You can choose to show the notifications in the widget (the bell icon at the top right) and/or to have them sent via e-mail. The difference here is that the widget immediately shows the notification and the e-mail collects all notifications once a day and sends them in the morning.

Below is an explanation for each available notification in the management environment.

Answer model changed in test playerThis notification notifies you that changes have been made to the answer model of a specific question, including the ID of the question.
The quality of a question has changedWhen there are changes in the quality of the question regarding the P', RIT or RIR value of a question, you can receive a notification about this. *
Commented on itemThis notification contains the name of the commenting user and the ID of the question.
Commented on item from deliveryengineThis notification contains the name of the commenting user and the ID of the question
Process step abortedThis notification indicates from which process a process step has been aborted and by which user.
Process step finishedIt is indicated which step of which process has been completed. For example, the name of the study program/test matrix can be displayed.
Process step availableThe notification indicates which step of a process is currently available to start.
Process step startedIt is indicated which process step of a process has been started.
Process step reminderA reminder is shown for a process step of a process where deadlines have been set.
Question rejectedThis notification shows the ID of a question that has been rejected.
Question submitted for approvalThe notification shows that a question has been rejected, including the ID of the question.
Email could not be delivered to a userIt says that the email could not be delivered.

* The notification about the quality of questions depends on 'Settings -> Question settings -> Question analysis notification settings. If the notifications are disabled here, they will not be sent.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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