Drop down question
  • 30 Oct 2023
  • Pdf

Drop down question

  • Pdf

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In a drop down question, an option from a drop down list can be chosen, with the answer options predetermined. The drop down question can be placed in the middle of a sentence and multiple drop down questions can be asked to the candidate at the same time.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Text block

After creation, the text block is already filled with a drop down list. By clicking on the pencil icon, texts can be placed around the selection list. Using the 'Add interaction' button in the toolbar, extra selection lists can be added to the question.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the settings around the answer options of this question become available.


ShuffleIt can be indicated whether the answer options should be shuffled or whether the order is fixed. If shuffle is set to 'Yes', the answer options are displayed in a different order each time in the selection list.
Points distributionThe scoring process involves selecting the scoring type to be used for this question. The score to be obtained for a question is always 0 or a positive number, it is not possible to obtain negative scores.
Correct AnswerWhen choosing the correct answer, the candidate will receive the set points. Any other answer does not score any points.
Score distributionChoosing the correct answer results in a point, but an incorrect answer can also result in a point.
  • In the case of several correct answers, the points can be cancelled out against each other.
  • For each answer option and for answering or not answering the question correctly, feedback information can also be recorded. This information is intended for the candidate.

Unlike a multiple-choice question, the answer options come in the drop down field in the options. It is therefore not possible to use formatting in these answers.


This example is intended to give an insight into setting up a choice list question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new drop down question, it opens. Click on the pencil to edit the question.
  2. With this question type, the answer options are placed in the text of the question. The candidate has to enter text or numbers in these boxes, or choose from a list. There is no set format to do this, there is a lot of room to come up with your own in this question type.
  3. To add an input field for an answer, click on "+ Add interaction" in the edit screen. You can then choose from a 'Drop down question' or a 'Text entry question'. A drop-down question gives the candidate a number of options to choose from. These appear when the candidate clicks on the area during a test. The text entry question is an open text box in which to type.
  4. On the left-hand side of the edit screen, there is the option to set the options for each answer field. To do this, click on the gear icon.
  5. The options per input field are different.
  • Drop down: It is possible to have the created answers shuffled. Under 'Score type' it is possible to assign different scores to answers. The 'Add an option' button adds an extra answer option. When scrolling is enabled, individual questions can still be fixed by clicking Yes under 'Fixed'. Answers can be moved by dragging a question up or down with the black plus sign.
  • Text entry: This function is used for a [text entry question](https://support.paragin.nl/support/docs/remindotest-text-entry-question). See that article for a detailed explanation.
  1. Finally, there is the option to give bonus points for when all answers are completed correctly. This can be done at the initial question editing screen on the left.

Sample answer template

The image above shows an example of a question that incorporates drop-down questions (the correct answers are placed next to it, as this screenshot is from the administration environment). One of these options is unfolded to show what this looks like. Clicking on an option places it in the input field.


It is also possible to place the input fields in a table. There is a button for this. Also take a look at the Worksheet question, which may be a better fit for using a table.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.