Fill in paper test
  • 11 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Fill in paper test

  • Pdf

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Candidates can complete a paper test as they are used to. However, there are some points of interest that need to be considered. Paragin strongly recommends making these clear, as this can help the automatic scanning process run as smoothly as possible. It saves the proofreaders a lot of time afterwards if there are as few errors as possible to handle.

Points to note when filling in the answer sheets

  • Write your name and Candidate number on each answer sheet.

If an answer sheet accidentally falls out of a stack, it must be possible to find out whose name/number it belongs to.

  • Always have the candidate colour the candidate number in the boxes provided

When scanning, these boxes are read in. If there is one candidate with the indicated number, the answer sheet will automatically be linked to this candidate. This does not have to be done manually afterwards.

  • Never write outside or through the outer boxes

When scanning in, the corner points are searched first so that a precise cutout can be made of the relevant part of the answer sheet. If a candidate or invigilator puts an initials or the like through this, it will make recognising the vertices more difficult. When scanning, the corners may have to be entered by hand.

  • Colour the boxes completely

To make automatic recognition easier, it is advisable to colour in the boxes completely.

  • Always use the correction boxes for corrections

When the correction boxes are used, this answer will be leading. The correction boxes are the smaller boxes below the answer options. They are recognised automatically; no extra actions are required when scanning. Make sure the correction box is coloured correctly and clearly.

  • Make sure the answer sheets are in the correct order when you collect them.

Checking a scan is much easier if all answer sheets are neatly arranged.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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