Manage process defenitions
  • 21 Aug 2023
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Manage process defenitions

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Processes are set up and managed at Settings > Manage Process defenitions. Process defenitions are used to create workflows within RemindoTest. These workflows can be used for assigning tasks to users and controlling processes. Drawing up processes helps to keep an overview of the actions to be performed. The process steps can be entered manually and must also be confirmed manually.

The overview shows a number of details of each process. This indicates the context to which this process belongs. In addition, the version number of the process is shown. Furthermore, a number of statistics are visible: the number of steps, and how often the process has been started, completed or aborted. Each process can be edited or archived.


Processes are not automatically managed by RemindoToets. This means that completing one step will not immediately start the next step. Keep track of this to ensure that the participants in the process know when certain steps are ready, or when a new step can be performed.

Create new process

To create a new process, click on 'Add a process description' at the top right of the overview. Enter a name and possibly a description in the screen that opens. Then select the process context in which this process is relevant. Below that, the groups that can start this process must be selected.

proces stap toevoegen

Then a new screen opens in which the process steps are added. The image above shows which steps can be chosen. In this case, the process context "Ask" is selected. The steps to be selected will differ per context.

proces stap voorbeeld

Once a step has been added it will appear in the list of steps as shown in the image above. In this way a process is created. The settings can be changed per step, click on one of the components to adjust it. For example, which roles have access to this step. This can be different from the default roles selected when the process was created. To change which people can start the process for the entire process, look at the top of the page under 'Which users can start this process'.

It can be set that a certain role cannot execute the process, but is allowed to view it. To do this, use the second function in the example with the eye icon. Then select which roles are allowed to view the process step.

Furthermore, it is possible to set how long the users have to complete this step. This will default to 14 days. Use the bell icon feature to set a reminder for this step. By default this will be set to 7 days.

Each step will be set to run linearly. This means that all previous process steps must be completed. You can switch from the parallel or linear setting by clicking the 'Linear' or 'Parallel' button. A parallel process step means that in combination with subsequent steps before or after another parallel step, these can be started and executed simultaneously.

The setting for 'Parallel' is only usable if two (or more) consecutive process steps have been set to this setting.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.