Manage questiontemplates
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Manage questiontemplates

  • Pdf

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RemindoTest has a number of standard question types. Based on these standard question types, question templates can also be created. Consider, for example, a multiple choice question that has only 2 answer options by default or where the answer options are not shuffled. These can be set at Settings > Manage question templates.

The creation of these question templates can be done by an administrator via the question template management page. Multiple templates can be created per question type. When creating a new question, in the list of question types to choose from, the created question templates will be marked with a * (asterisk).

There are two options available with each question template. There is the possibility to edit the content of the question template, click on the pencil icon. In addition, it is possible to adjust the settings for the template. Use the gear icon for this.

Create new question template

Click on 'Add new question template' at the top right of the overview. A new window will open. Enter both a Dutch and an English name for the template. If the English version of RemindoTest is not used, the Dutch name can also be entered here.

vraagsjabloon aanmaken

The other settings are shown in the image above. Select the desired question type from the drop-down list. Then set whether the question template is suitable for paper tests, can be used for exercises and practice tests, and whether it is available for summative testing.

Below that you can choose a level of difficulty. This is not mandatory to fill in. Select the language used in the question (Dutch or English). Finally, it is possible to make the calculator function available.

Click on 'Add' when all information has been entered. The template will then appear in the overview. Click the pencil icon to add the content of the question.

For information on the question types, see the article Available question types.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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