Multiple response question
  • 26 Oct 2023
  • Pdf

Multiple response question

  • Pdf

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A multiple response question always consists of a stem of the question and a number of answer options. In a multiple response question, one or more answers are correct. Images, formulas, tables, etc. can be placed in the stem of the question and in the answer options.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Content text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.

Question/Completion instruction

If there is an additional question or fill-in instruction for this question, it can be placed here.

Answer options A, B, etc

For each answer option the text or, for example, the formula or image is placed here.

By clicking on the cog icon cog icon, the options surrounding the answer options of this question become available.


Question type
A multiple response question can consist of one or more correct answers or multiple answers with a limit. It is also possible to work with one correct answer, in which case it becomes a multiple choice question.

You can indicate whether the answer options should be shuffled or whether the order is fixed. If shuffle is set to 'Yes', the answer options are displayed in a different order each time.
You can also indicate whether each answer option has a fixed position. For example, answer option A can always be fixed and the other answer options can be shuffled.

Dropdown list
When a question contains many answer options, it is convenient to display them compactly by means of a dropdown list. The answer options are then initially hidden.

Besides the option above, you can also choose whether the answer options should be placed horizontally or vertically.

The scoring type to be used for this question is chosen in the scoring section. The score to be obtained for a question is always 0 or a positive number, it is not possible to obtain negative scores.

Scoring (depending on question type chosen)

Correct answer
When choosing the correct answer, the candidate gets the set points. Any other answer will not score any points.

Score distribution
Choosing the correct answer will result in a point, but an incorrect answer can also result in a point. In case of multiple answers correct, the points can be offset against each other.

Quotient rule
The quotient rule uses a formula that takes into account the proportion of correct and wrong answers. See also the detailed explanation of the Quotient Rule.
Product rule
In the product rule, the proportion wrong is not counted in its entirety, but is compared to the number of correct answers. See also the detailed explanation of the Product Rule.

Feedback information can also be recorded for each answer option and for answering or not answering the question correctly. This information is intended for the candidate.

For more information, see also the article 'Scoring types'.


This example is intended to give an insight into setting up a multiple response question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new multiple response question, it opens. In the text block, enter the instructions associated with the question.
  2. Below this text block, there is a second option for text. This provides an opportunity to explain to the candidate how to answer the question.
  3. The first option in the multiple response question is to indicate how many answers can be given. One answer, multiple answers or multiple answers with a limit can be chosen. With the last option, for example, it can be set that a maximum of 2 answers can be entered.
  4. Next, set whether the answer options should be shuffled and whether the answers should be displayed in a drop-down list. There is also an option to display the options horizontally. Below that, set whether a correct answer is worth one point, or whether a specific number of (minus) points can be obtained per answer.
  5. In this screen, answers cannot be entered. Do this by clicking on the corresponding pencil symbols on the left-hand side. Next, a word processing screen will open. An answer can be entered here.
  6. After completing the answers, one or more answers must be marked as correct. At least one answer must be selected, otherwise RemindoToets will give an error message.
  7. If this question is set to 'Score Distribution', it should indicate how many points a correct answer will earn and what the score will be for a wrong answer.

Figure 1

Here on the right is an example of a multiple correct question. Only the top two answers are set up as correct. When a candidate is presented with this question, these answers will have a different order.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.