Order question
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Order question

  • Pdf

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An order question is a question where the candidate has to put the answers in the correct order by arranging them. This question is automatically checked by RemindoTest. If the answer consists of a lot of text, it is better to use the question type 'Open question'. This question type does need to be checked by a corrector.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.

Question/fill-in instruction

If there is an additional question or fill-in instruction for this question, it can be placed here.
Answer options Per item to be sorted, a text block can be filled with, for example, text or an image.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the options surrounding the answer options for this question become available.


Score TypeChoose the appropriate score type for this question here. 'Correct answer' and 'quotient rule' can be chosen.
Final score (correct answer)Enter here the total number of points for this question. The candidate receives this number of points if the question was answered completely correctly.
Basic score (quotient rule)A score between 0 and 1.0 calculated depending on the number of correct sortings of individual pairs (A comes before B, A comes before C, etc) made by the candidate.
Bonus points (quotient rule)Bonus points may be awarded if the question is answered completely correctly.
Sorting of answer optionsThe answer options can still be moved or deleted here and new answer options can be added.

Feedback information can also be recorded for whether or not the question was answered correctly. This information is intended for the candidate.


This example is intended to give an insight into how to set up a grading question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new order question, it opens. In the text block, fill in the instructions associated with the question.
  2. Three answer options are set up by default. Click on the pencil of each answer option to fill in the corresponding text there.
  3. Adjust the number of points for the given question by clicking on the tandiwle. Choose a simple score here, or a quotient rule. The quotient rule is useful to use when RemindoTest needs to adjust the score so that it scales with the number of correct answers.
  4. Below that is the option to add more answer options. Adjusting answers cannot be done in this screen, to do so select the text block on the left.

Answers prepared are always automatically scrambled. This cannot be turned off for this question type.

Sample answer template

Above is an example of a order question. The candidate has to place the animals in order of length. If the candidate gets two animals wrong, the quotient rule will cause the candidate to receive 1.5 points. If all three are positioned correctly, the candidate will receive four points because of the bonus point.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.