Question properties
  • 25 Jul 2023
  • Pdf

Question properties

  • Pdf

Samenvatting van het artikel

A question property allows, for example, a specific property to be added to the question in addition to the category. Think for example of the origin of the question or a specific learning objective. These question properties can then, for example, be used when creating a test matrix. The filter can be used to indicate that a question must contain a specific property. A question property can also be used to base a feedback on. A specific assessment can then be made on the question property. Question properties can be created and edited by administrators. They can be restricted to one or more question banks. They can also be restricted by role.

Question properties are managed by navigating to Settings > Manage Question Properties. Here it is possible to create, edit or delete new properties. To do so, see the [Manage Question Properties] article(/support/docs/remindotoets-manage-question-properties).

Creating a question property must be done before creating a question. It is not possible to add a new property while creating a question.

Assign question properties

Assigning a question property can be done in the administration environment, in the overview of a question bank. Adding can be done after creating a question, even if it is already approved and used in a test.

Click on the desired question, and then on the 'Properties' tab, as shown in the image above. Then click on 'Add a property to this question'. A new window will open, where the value of the property can be selected or entered.

If the value 'Text' has been chosen for the question property, make sure that the correct terms are entered when filtering.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.