Question statusses
  • 19 Oct 2023
  • Pdf

Question statusses

  • Pdf

Samenvatting van het artikel

There are different statuses available for the questions in RemindoTest. These can be found in the question overview in the administration environment. The image on the right shows part of the overview, which includes the statuses 'Concept' and 'Approved'. Click on 'Status' at the top of the column to sort the questions by status. Click again to sort in reverse order.

Below is a brief explanation for each status:

A question gets 'Concept' as its status when it is created. When it is set that an author of a question may not approve it himself, the author clicks the 'for review' button. A question with this status cannot be used in a test matrix.

A question with the status 'Check' may not be approved by the author himself and must be reviewed by another author. This author can approve or disapprove the question. After approving, the status becomes 'approved' and after rejecting, the status becomes 'Needs repair'. A question with this status cannot be used in a test matrix.

A question with the status approved is, as long as it is set, checked and approved, or in some cases approved by the author himself. Only questions with approved status can be used in a test matrix.

Needs Repair
A question has the status 'Needs repair' when it has been rejected during checking or when the question had the status 'approved', but still turns out to be incorrect. It is then indicated that the question requires repair. A question with this status cannot be used in a test matrix.

In RemindoTest it is not possible to delete questions, but they can be archived. These questions will then no longer be shown in the questionnaire by default. The only way to see them is to apply a filter, which will show the archived questions. A question with this status cannot be used in a test matrix.

The diagram below visually illustrates the changes the status of the question can go through sequentially.


Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.