Questions for test on paper
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • Pdf

Questions for test on paper

  • Pdf

Article Summary

When creating or editing a question, there is a setting to make a question available for use in paper tests. Make sure that the 'Available for use in paper exams' setting is set to 'Yes', as shown in the image below. A question can only be used in paper tests if it is suitable and has the status 'Approved'.

Figure 3

In principle, it is possible to use all question types in a paper test, however, there are some differences in the way they are presented.

Special question types

A number of question types in RemindoTest have a different setting when used for a paper test. These have to be manually checked afterwards by correctors. This is because RemindoTest cannot automatically check handwritten or signed answers in this case.

The following question types have a special interaction with paper tests:

  • Drag & Drop / Drag and Drop Question: the candidate can draw lines to connect the images with the correct position, this is not checked by RemindoToets.
  • Fill-in Question: when processing the test, the answer given must be entered manually by the corrector.
  • Sort question: answering a sort question can be done in a text field, where the candidates have to note the correct order themselves.
  • Hotspot question: the hotspot can be ticked by the candidate on the image, but this must be checked by a corrector.
  • Upload question: the upload question is converted to a blank page on a paper test. See also: Upload question
  • Drawing question: the drawing question is converted to an open-ended question. The candidate can make the drawing on this and it will be scanned. This question type has to be checked manually.
  • Worksheet question (open): the worksheet question (open) is displayed on the answer sheet and the candidate can write the answers in the appropriate cells. This question type must be checked manually, through a correction round.

The following question types can't be used in paper tests:

  • Worksheet question
  • AlgebraKiT question
  • SOWISO question
Whether a question type is the most practical for paper-based test-taking is up to test designers to judge. Keep in mind that it takes more time to review questions if they cannot be processed automatically by RemindoToets
Questions that use the 'I don't know' option cannot be used for paper tests. A warning will be issued for this, should a question with this option still be selected for a paper test

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.