Settings test player
  • 22 Oct 2024
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Settings test player

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The 'Settings' menu is divided into several tabs. Click on any of them to go directly to that section.


This tab is divided into three sections:

  • Settings
  • Profile fields and default settings
  • External integrations

Click on any of the sections to display the corresponding settings.


Set here which languages are available in the test player and which is the default language. For the English language, you can choose which time notation to use. The following languages are available:

  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German

Test taking

Indicate here whether the score per question is shown and how the questions are presented to the candidate, for example one page per question or all questions on one page.
This can be specified per test type. Candidates may also choose this themselves.

Select here whether to include the hostname instead of the IP address in the exam. This ensures that the IP address is no longer visible in this case.

Result page

It can be specified whether candidates are allowed to see who has reviewed the results. There is also the option of blocking correctors from viewing results within anonymous correction rounds. The following choices can be made:

  • As long as the proofreader can edit his review work

    When it is set that the correction round is anonymous and may be changed afterwards, the icons to go to the details of the candidate's result remain inactive. It is then reported that viewing of this result is blocked as long as one is assigned as a proofreader and the correction work may still be modified. Only when these settings are changed in the correction round will the results become available to the corrector.

  • Only while corrections are pending

    When it is set that the correction round is anonymous and may be changed afterwards, the icons to go to the details of the candidate's result remain inactive as long as the correction work has not yet been submitted. It is then reported that the viewing of this result is blocked as long as one is assigned as a proofreader and the complete correction work has not yet been submitted. After the correction work is submitted, the results will be available.

  • Never block correctors from viewing results
    If the correction round is set to be anonymous and may be changed afterwards, the icons to go to the details of the candidate's result remain to be used to view the result.

Finally, there is the option to show the reliability on the analysis page.

Settings of paper test results

Here you can set the profile field to be used for paper keys. This should be a numeric field.

By default, the profile field Code/Kenmerk is set. Create additional options at Manage > User Properties.

Note Settings.

Specify here in which cases candidates may provide comments. This can be specified for each test type. There is a field to indicate where the comment will be sent. This can be:

  • The candidate's linked supervisor
  • An active administrator
  • A specified email address
  • Nobody

For each test type, it can also be set for supervisors to send comments. A tutor can do this from a result or from the test template example. The following options can be set for tutors to send comments:

  • An active administrator
  • A specified email address
  • The original admin environment

The last option is useful for sending a comment directly to the author of a question.

Set to 'No' to disable posting comments in that case.

Cleaning up old results.

These settings have to do with the storage and anonymization of data. It can be set when, for example, old results are automatically updated.

An explanation of these settings can be found in the article Cleaning up and anonymizing.

Primary login method

Set which method of login should be displayed at the top of the login page here.

Hide login method username and password.

When logging in via an SSO, the method of logging in via the RemindTo key username and password can be disabled.

Forgot password

Here you can specify which roles are allowed to use the 'forgot password' option.

Confirm identity for security.

Add security by resubmitting the password of the logged in user. This may be requested when, for example, another user's profile is modified, or results are exported.

Linking user accounts

can be linked together so that by means of a button in both environments, one can quickly switch between them. This is useful for users who often have to work in both environments.

An administrator can specify how the accounts are linked via the General settings (section 'Link user accounts').

Automatic: this method uses RemindoConnect in the background to determine whether the environments use the same SSO and links the users in the same way as they are linked via the SSO.

Manually: this method selects the environments between which to switch. This requires manually adding the same unique value in the same user's accounts in the code/characteristic field. As soon as a linked account (which can also be in the same environment but a different role), the button to switch environments will appear at the top of the menu.

If you have several accounts within an environment, for example as Supervisor and Corrector, you can also use this button to easily switch between the different accounts.

Profile fields and default settings

Profile fields

This shows which profile fields are displayed and can be filled in for the various roles.

Accessibility settings

accessibility profile

New accessibility profiles can be created here. The image above shows an example. These profiles are used, for example, for candidates who are given more time to take a test, or require greater contrast to take a test, for example in the case of dyslexia or visual impairment. The following items are customizable by admin roles:

  • Font size
  • Contrast mode
  • Wide Font
  • Enabling the ReadSpeaker functionality.
  • Extra time for practice tests and tests

The extra time set in an accessibility profile is activated only if in the test matrix settings in the administration environment it has been set that extra time may be given during test-taking (see [Test matrix settings](/support/docs/remindo-test-key matrix settings)).

Link a profile to a use via Candidates > Modify this user. Go to the Additional Information section and assign the desired accessibility profile there.


If you add an accessibility profile to a candidate after the candidate has already been added to a test moment, the candidate will first have to be removed from the candidate list of the test moment and then added again to activate the accessibility profile.

Display during test & inspection

Set which profile fields are visible when a candidate takes a test and during perusal. The selected fields are also displayed in the activity overview.

User properties that you have created yourself are also displayed here, so they too can be set for use during perusal.

Display during review

Set here which profile fields are visible when an instructor is reviewing a test. These fields are hidden when the review is anonymous.

Standard settings scheduling filter

Adjust the default scheduling filters here to find relevant tests faster.

Standard settings test moments

Set the default settings for all formative and summative test moments here. These default settings are used when a new test moment is created. They can always be overwritten on the spot.

Under the heading general settings, inactive candidates can be excluded by default from being added to a test moment. It is also possible to show supervisors only the test moments to which they are linked as supervisors. By default, they see the test moments of all courses to which they are linked.

Standard settings review moments

Here are the default settings for all review moments. They are used when a new inspection moment is created. These settings can still be overridden on the spot.

Safe Exam Browser keys can be selected. These are then used when the SEB is deployed for a test. For more information, see the article Safe Exam Browser.

Default correction settings.

Set the default settings for all correction rounds here. These default settings are used when a new correction round is created. They can always be overwritten on the spot.

There are separate settings for tests, practice tests and exercises.

Standard columns activity overview

Here you can set which columns are displayed by default in the activity overview.

External integrations

Set which external integrations are available. To enable an integration, valid API credentials must be specified. This is required for external software such as Schoolyear or Proctorio.

It is possible to give the options for Proctorio default settings here. These are then adopted when creating a new test moment.

Whitelisting / URLs that are allowed

When access to the Internet is blocked during tests, at least make sure that the list of URLs shown on this page remains accessible by whitelisting them.

For an explanation, see the article Whitelisting.

Safe Exam Browser

Safe Exam Browser is a secure browser suitable for taking online exams safely. The software turns any computer into a secure exam computer. The tool restricts access to the system, other applications and websites, and prevents unauthorized resources from being started and used during the exam.

For an explanation, see the article Safe Exam Browser.

LTI (ProctorExam, LMS).

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) makes it easy to interface with an external application, such as a Learning Management System (LMS) or Electronic Learning Environment (ELE). This is where the LTI integration is enabled.

For a further explanation of further settings, see the article LTI

Settings ReadSpeaker

If you are using ReadSpeaker to read out texts, enter ReadSpeaker's Client ID here. You can also indicate whether this application is available to all users or only to those with an accessibility profile. See below for accessibility settings.

Plagiarity Control

If a detection system is specified, an option is added to each test moment to check all open answers and uploaded files for equality using Turnitin or Urkund.


RemindoTest has a number of standard terms for different topics, such as candidates or tests. It is possible to replace these default terms with predefined terms that better suit the users. This way, each environment can fit well with the terms the users are familiar with.

Permissions and roles

The overview for rights and roles shows which actions can be done by which role. The legend on the left shows what the different icons and colors indicate.


Here it is possible to manage API keys. An API allows calling several functionalities from another application.

New API keys can also be created here. API documentation is available and examples can be found for deploying API links.

See also the article API.


This is where LTI links are managed. For an explanation, see the article LTI


This lists the emails that could not be delivered, either because the server was unreachable multiple times or the server did not accept the message and returned a bounce message.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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