Test moment types
  • 29 Mar 2024
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Test moment types

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Creating a test moment has three different options for the type of test moment. These are 'Period', 'Fixed time' and 'Joint start'. The options affect when candidates can start the test.

It is not possible to change the duration of the test matrix itself when setting the test moment. When planning, the start and possible end time of the test moment is set. The duration of the test will be displayed for information during setup.

In this case it is only possible to allocate extra time to the test moment.


With the period option it is set that this specific test moment can be started in the set time frame. To determine the period, a start and end time must be selected. A period can be several hours or even several months.

If a test moment has a period from Monday 09:00 to Friday 17:00, the candidate can also start the test on Friday at 16:59. The moment of closing, indicated in the settings with 'To be started until', therefore only relates to the start of the test by the candidate, and not to the remaining time. Please note that in that case the remaining time is set at 'Start of the individual test'.

Fixed time

A fixed time indicates that a test will start at a fixed time. There is no second time to set with this type. The exact duration of the test is based on the duration of the test matrix, which is set in the management environment. The time remaining setting is discussed later in this article.

If a blueprint has an unlimited duration, when planning the test moment it can be indicated what the duration of the test moment should be. This option exists to prevent the test moment from never ending. Hours and minutes can be entered. This setting is only available with the 'Fixed time' type.

Joint start

This option is used when all candidates have to start the test moment at the same time, for example for exams that take place in a physical room. This type of test moment prevents candidates from viewing the questions earlier than intended.

This type of test is started by a test coordinator or other supervisor for all candidates at the same time. They do this in the activity overview, where all candidates can be given permission at once.

Set duration

The option 'Remaining time is calculated from:' has two settings.

  • If the remaining time starts from the start of the test moment, candidates who start later will have less time left.
  • If this is not desirable, set the duration to only start when an individual test is started. The timer starts when the candidate starts the test.

When a test template has an unlimited duration, this option will not be visible. In that case there is no remaining time to take into account.

'Visible to candidates' indicates when this test moment appears in the test overview of candidates.

'Early access' allows candidates to start the test already. They can read the screen with instructions and ask for permission, but there is no access to the test questions yet.

The option 'Early access' can only be set when the duration of the test is calculated from the start of the individual test.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.