  • 24 Jul 2023
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Core of the role

The "Tutor" role is intended for those who supervise candidates, such as teachers or coaches. This role has many rights regarding the administration of tests, marking work and the results of candidates. Many of these rights are optional and can be set per test player environment. This can be done via Manage > Settings > Permissions and roles tab > Set permissions and roles.


Default permissions

The following permissions are fixed; every user who has this role has the following rights:

  • Can check answers: Can check answers of candidates via Results > Check answers if linked to the correct course and depending on whether the tutor must be linked to candidates in the correction round settings.
  • Can view the overview of answers to be checked: Can see in an overview the answers that still need to be checked.
  • Can view candidate groups overview: Can view the overview of candidate groups he is linked to.
  • Can see the planning page: Can see the planning page with an overview of test moments, inspection moments and registrations. Depending on other permissions, the role sees more or less on the schedule page.
  • Can view the grade: Can view the grade of candidates (via Results > All results).
  • Can delete a review moment: Can delete a review moment time if no candidates are associated with it.
  • Can reply to comments (also requires permission to view result details): Can reply to comments candidates have made on questions during the test.
  • Can view training courses: Can see an overview of the training courses to which the role is linked.
  • Can view the activity summary: Can view the activity summary of tests associated with the user.
  • Can give permission to start a test: Can give permission via the Activities overview, if the test is set up in such a way that candidates must request permission at the start or during the test.
  • Can give extra time during the test: With this right, can give extra time via the Activities overview during the administration of the test, if it has been set in the management environment that extra time may be given,
  • Can cancel a test: Can cancel a test of one or more candidates via the activity overview.
  • Can view the log: Can view the log of a test moment (via the overview in the Planning).

Permissions to set

The permissions below can be set for this role. Please note that the changes made to the rights will apply to all users who have this role.

  • Can view information to make an LTI connection to a specific test matrix: Can view the information to make an LTI connection through Educations and Test Matrixes and the details of a test matrix.
  • Has access to the correction round management page: This overview can be found via Results > Correction rounds.
  • Can edit/add correction rounds to individual test moments and registrations: Can add correction rounds or adjust settings of the correction rounds, such as the grading distribution (via Results > Check answers).
  • Can edit other users' grading: Can edit another user's grading.
  • Can view group analysis: Can compare the results of groups via Results > Analyzes > Group Analysis tab.
  • Can log in as a candidate: Can log in as a candidate.
  • Has access to the manual: Via the button in the top right corner of RemindoTest there is access to the Knowledge base: ![Knowledge base icon](https://cdn.document360.io/07f71d6c-de98-4895-b53d-cce70e9a003c/ Images/Documentation/Knowledgebase%20icon.png){height="45" width=""}
  • Can add/edit test moments: Can create and edit test moments.
  • Can manage the candidates of a test moment: Can add or remove candidates to a test moment.
  • Can manage the tutors of an assessment moment: Can add or remove tutors from an assessment moment.
  • Can manage himself as a tutor within a test moment: ??
  • Can generate an accountability report of a test moment: Can generate a PDF report of the test moment in the Planning.
  • Can manage paper tests: Can create paper tests.
  • Has access to the analysis in Proctorio: When using Proctorio during the test, the analysis of Proctorio can be opened via the result page (Results > All results > Details of the result) (if the extension is installed).
  • Can view own profile: Can view own profile including e-mail address, username and chosen language used for this account.
  • Can adjust own profile: Can change the language from Dutch to English or vice versa.
  • Can export results: Can export candidate results to Excel.
  • Can view the details of the result: Can view the answers and further details of a test of a specific candidate.
  • Can view viewing moments: Can see the viewing moments on the planning page.
  • Can manage candidate views: Can create and edit views.
  • Can manage every candidate in a view (no need to link to candidate group): Can add and remove candidates from views associated with the user.
  • Can view paper test results: Can view a summary of paper test results via Results > Paper test results.
  • Can manage paper test results: Can handle paper test results.
  • Can manage candidate registrations: Can edit candidate registrations, such as the connection to a test matrix, the settings of the test matrix, or the visibility of results.
  • Can start a resit for an enrollment: Can start a resit for the candidate if it has been set in the management environment that the test may be resat.
  • Can see an example of a test matrix: Can see the example of a test matrix (and thus which questions are in the test matrix) via the button 'Education and test matrixes'.
  • Can try out a test matrix: Can see the test as a candidate sees it during the administration.
  • Can manage every candidate in a test moment (no connection to candidate group needed): Can add and remove candidates from test moments that are linked to the user.
  • Can access the result analyses: From digital tests: Can access the result analyzes of digital tests via Results > Analyses.
  • Can access the result analyses: From paper tests: Can access the result analyzes from paper tests via Results > Analyses.
  • Start page: It can be set with which page the start page starts.
  • Notifications: You can set whether notifications are shown and whether this is done via e-mail or the widget.

  • Has access to the results: It can be set that there is no access to the results, or that access is given to the results of paper and/or digital tests.

Depending on the above right, the following rights can then be set:

  • Can view the details of the result: It concerns the results of an individual candidate which can be found via Results > All results > Details of the result.
  • Can adjust answer model: Can adjust the answer model via the Details of the result or via Results > Analysis.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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