Upload question
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Upload question

  • Pdf

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An upload question allows a candidate to upload a file that needs to be assessed by a corrector. The corrector can download and assess the uploaded file in the examination environment. This works in the same way as grading an essay question.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.

Question/Completion instruction

If there is an additional question or completion instruction for this question, it can be placed here.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the options surrounding the answer options for this question become available.


File typeHere the file type to be uploaded can be set.
Customised MIME typeIn the list of file types to be chosen, it is also possible to manually specify MIME type(s) yourself. These can be entered here.


Final scoreThe final score is automatically calculated by adding up the points of all assessment criteria.
PointsFor each assessment criterion, a maximum number of points can be set.
Description for the correctorIndicate here which criterion the answer has to fulfil in order to obtain the set points.
Allow decimal scoringThis can be set to score with decimals or whole points.

An answer model can be added to an upload question. The answer model can indicate what the candidate should answer. This answer model is also shown to the person who checks the questions.

Feedback information can also be recorded for whether or not the question was answered correctly. This information is intended for the candidate.


The upload question works differently from the other question types. RemindoTest will not be able to automatically check for answers, as correctors have to do this manually. It is not possible to test this question in the test manager.

  1. After creating a new upload question, it will open. Enter the instructions associated with the question in the text block.
  2. For this question, a file type can be selected. Candidates must upload a file that has this file type. There are also general settings for it, such as any video or audio file. The default setting is to allow any file type.
  3. In the description for the corrector, various assessment criteria can be described to assist in checking the submitted files. The candidate is not shown this.

Please note that the description for the corrector must be brief.

Paper test

The upload question can be used for a paper test. By setting this question for a paper test, RemindoTest will automatically convert it to a blank page. This page can then be used for a drawing assignment, for example. The question that follows it will be placed on the next page.

No special settings need to be turned on. However, it is a requirement that the upload question in question must be available for use in a paper test. To set up a paper test in the assessment environment, see Generate paper test.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.