Worksheet (open)
  • 25 Sep 2023
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Worksheet (open)

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A worksheet question (open) is a question type where the candidate is shown a worksheet on the screen. This is where answers can be entered. These answers can be set by the designer in various ways. For example, a candidate can choose from a drop-down menu or must fill in their own answer, depending on the settings.

The worksheet question (open) can be used for accounting questions and general ledger accounts, for example, and for conjugating verbs.

The difference with the normal worksheet question is that this version is treated as an open question, so has to be checked via a correction round.

Creating a worksheet question (open)

This section explains how to create a worksheet query and how the associated functions work. This requires a number of steps which are explained here.

  1. Creating a worksheet question can be done by clicking on the "Questions" block right after the login screen. Then a question bank must be selected in which the questions to be created will be placed. If the correct question bank is not yet shown, create it or notify the functional administrator.

  2. After selecting the question bank and possibly the category in which the question should be stored, the button "Add new question" is shown in the upper right corner.

  3. Select as question type "Working sheet (open)" . There are several more options:

  • Coding can be assigned. This can be used, for example, to quickly search for questions that have the same code or to easily recognize questions in analysis overviews.
  • Is this question suitable for paper taking?
  • Is this question available for practice tests (if any)?
  • Is this question available for final tests (if any)?
  • The language of the question can be set to Dutch or English.
  • There is an option to place a calculator on the screen next to the question. This only affects the current question.
  1. After creating a worksheet question, a new screen appears. To the left of this screen are the items from Figure 2. These items can be edited by clicking on them.

Figure 2

"Content text block" provides the option to fill in the information and question. This appears above the worksheet when the question is completed. It contains general formatting options for text as well as the option to set up tables. The candidate cannot enter answers here.

Clicking on the worksheet will open it in the edit screen. It contains some standard functions needed for a worksheet, such as indicating the type of data in the cells. It is possible to shade edges, merge cells and move content within or between cells. A new worksheet has a 5x5 cell layout. Adding and deleting new rows or columns can be done by right-clicking on the worksheet.

  1. The function "Allows candidate entry" gives a cell a yellow color. This means that a candidate can enter an answer here. In general, a highlighted cell remains empty as the candidate enters an answer here. For cells without color, the candidate can not do this. For example, cells where no candidate input is expected can be used to display data that the candidate needs to answer the question.

Click on a cell and then click "Allow candidate input" to highlight the cell. Click the button again to dark a cell.

  1. After this, one or more assessment criteria can be added, just like a normal open-ended question.

Creating Lists

An important function for the worksheet query is the creation of lists. A list is intended for creating a special cell function, where the candidate is presented with a drop-down menu of choices. An answer must be selected from this drop-down menu, which may consist of one or more cells. This will be explained later in Example C. Figure 7 highlights the two corresponding buttons.

Figure 7

Button 1 is used to assign a cell a search list function. This automatically gives the selected cell or cells the "Allow candidate entry" property, because this cell property is always intended for a candidate. To select from a list, it must first be created.

Button 2 is for creating and managing lists. A list will contain the options that a candidate will later have to choose from. Multiple lists can be created per question. These cannot be used with other questions in the same question bank.

A list can contain a different number of cells. It is possible to enter an answer for only one cell or an answer consisting of several columns. The maximum width of an answer from a lookup list is 5 cells. RemindToets will also indicate this with a warning. The number of rows when managing a list is not equal to the number of rows on the worksheet, but to the number of different answers that will appear in the list.

Figure 8

Figure 8 shows the screen that appears after selecting the "Lists" button. Each list can be given a specific name, which is returned when creating a response option. A name can be assigned to each column. This is what the candidate will see when an answer is selected. It can be specified whether a column contains text, numbers or amounts. A maximum of 5 columns can be included in a list.

A new column can be added by using the "Add Column" button. These columns are automatically linked to the answer in the first column. This means that all columns are filled in on the worksheet when the candidate chooses an answer, even if they are not shown in the look-up list (see also example C). The function "Display column in lookup list" allows specific columns to be hidden from the candidate. At least one column must be visible, otherwise RemindoToets will issue a warning.

Figure 8 shows three answer options set as an example. These are shown to the candidate in that order when used with a question. Answers can be entered in these three areas. Adding a row adds an additional answer option that then also becomes visible to the candidate.

When no more adjustments are needed, all lists can be saved by clicking "Save Lists."

Figure 9

After the lists are saved, they become visible when using the lookup list function (see Figure 9). The screen shown in Figure 10 then opens. Here the created lists can be selected. It can also be displayed which column from the list should be selected. In this way it is possible to retrieve answers from different columns. Below that, there is the function to exclude answers that have already been entered from the list. Use this feature when a candidate is allowed to use an answer option only once. Thus, when this feature is not used, the candidate can choose the answer options multiple times.

Figure 10

The "Value for Linked Cells" feature allows multiple columns to appear when the candidate has selected an answer. This can be done by specifying a cell on the worksheet in the "Cell" box. At "Include value from" a column can be selected. The value in that column then appears in the selected cell. These values are already linked when the list is created, it is not possible to modify that here. See Figure 8 for how to customize a list, or see Example C to see what a lookup list with multiple values will look like.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.