Matching question
  • 17 Sep 2024
  • Pdf

Matching question

  • Pdf

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A Matching question allows the candidate to make one or more correct combinations of answers in a table with horizontal and vertical options. The data in the rows and columns can be designed visually and can consist, for example, of images, formulas or formatted text.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Content text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.

Question/Completion instruction

If there is an additional question or completion instruction for this question, it can be placed here.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the settings surrounding the answer options for this question become available.


Question type

This determines how many associations can produce a correct answer:

One associationOnly one connection in the entire matrix is correct
One associaton per rowOne connection per row in the matrix is correct
Multiple associaton per rowMultiple connections per row in the matrix are correct

Approach the matching questoin horizontally. Look at a question with one association per row as a multiple choice question and several associations per row as a multiple response question per row.


Here you can set whether the answer options should be shuffled. There are several options:

Shuffle all optionsAll rows and columns are shuffled.
Shuffle rowsOnly rows are shuffled.
Shuffle columnsOnly the columns are shuffled.
Do not shuffleThe matrix remains exactly as set, rows and columns are not shuffled.


  • Read the article on 'Scoring types' for more information about which option to choose for the method of point distribution.
  • In the case of several answers correct, the points can be offset against each other. It is possible to award bonus points when the question is answered entirely correctly.
  • Feedback information can also be recorded for whether or not the question was answered correctly. This information is intended for the candidate.


This example is intended to give an insight into setting up a matching question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new matching question, it opens. Complete the instructions associated with the question in the text block.

  2. Below this text block, there is a second option for text. This provides an opportunity to explain to the candidate how to answer the question.

  3. Select the gear icon to edit the matrix. The edit screen shows an overview of the matrix with the previously mentioned options above it. New rows or columns can also be added and removed here. The default layout is 4 by 4.

  4. To edit the caption of a row or column, click on the pencil next to the caption on the left-hand side of the screen. If a new question has been created, the captions are named 'Source choice' and 'Target choice' with a number behind them. When the pencil is clicked, a word processing screen opens. Here, for example, bold and italic text can also be inserted.

  5. The settings for the answer model differ, depending on which option was used.
    a. In the 'Correct Answer' setting, the candidate is awarded points if all answers are entered correctly.
    b. In the 'Correct answer' setting, points can be awarded or deducted for each option.

Sample answer template

Shown above is a sample answer model, where the candidate has to indicate whether an animal is a mammal or not. Six rows with two columns are set up, where one correct answer is marked in each row. Thus, the candidate cannot select more than one answer per row.

Each correct answer is worth one point, with a bonus point if a candidate gets all the options right. Because all options are scrambled, the rows and columns for the each candidate will be in a different order than shown here.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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