  • 29 Mar 2024
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Under Results > Analysis it is possible to analyze results of a blueprint, test moment or paper test. To view information about a blueprint, test moment or paper test, first select the desired tab. Then select from the drop-down list(s). Per tab the overview will look different, in this article data per tab will be explained.

In the analysis of a test moment where plagiarism control of Turnitin or Ouriginal is enabled, it is possible to sort the column with the percentage of similarity. This allows zooming in on the results that show the highest similarity percentages
The 'Process Again' action is only available to administrators. This allows to reprocess a result that was not processed properly for some reason (no grade/wrong status)

Blueprint tab

After selecting a blueprint, information about the relevant blueprint is displayed. A warning field may appear at the top showing adjustments for certain candidates, blueprints or test moments based on this test. The image below shows part of that.

Filters are available to display more specific results for this blueprint. The filters to be used are: period, candidate groups, candidate, status and evaluations. Multiple filters can be used at the same time.

Further down is an overview of how candidates scored on this test matrix. This can be seen in the image below. On the left side is a graph. The horizontal axis shows the percentage of total points to be scored (maximum score). The vertical axis shows the percentage of candidates who fall into this scoring area. For example, in the figure, 33% of the candidates achieved a score of about 75%.

analysis graph diagram

The four pie charts indicate how many of the candidates achieved a passing score. In this case, the three leftmost diagrams were the test items. The rightmost one is the overall result of the test. In this example, just over half of the candidates received a failing grade.


On the Analysis page of a test with feedback components, it depends on the settings of the component whether a pie chart is shown, when it is shown, and whether colors are displayed in the pie chart. The pie chart only shows shades of gray when no caesura is applied (see image on the right). When a caesura does apply, green or red colors are displayed.

The mentioned settings can be found in the feedback section in the test matrix.

The image below shows two views of the calculated reliability for this test matrix. The left part shows the reliability when no corrections have been made to the answer model (uncorrected). The right-hand view gives the reliability after applying active corrections to the results. The adjustments cause the reliability and standard error of measurement of the test to change. Between the two options is an icon with a heart displayed. This allows switching between the two options. Click on the icon and it will move to the right side of the unselected option.

analysis reliability

At the bottom of the overview is a table containing various data for each candidate. Near this table will again be a number of tabs. Which tabs these are depends on the settings. By default, the tab 'Full overview' will be open. Furthermore, the tabs 'Result Details', 'Group Analysis' and 'Analyze Questions' will be available.

Each candidate will have the start time of this blueprint indicated, along with how long the candidate took to complete the test. Next, a column will be present for each added feedback. The column with the heart icon above it will indicate the reliability score, but only if it can be calculated for this test. This is not always the case, composite caesura will not have a reliability score listed here. Finally, there are columns with the score for the candidate, the status of the test and on the far right the details of the result (of the particular candidate).

Full overview

This tab shows the results on the various feedback items for each candidate. By hovering over the colored bar you can see how the candidates answered the questions per section.

Details of the result

This tab contains the overview of the results of all candidates on this test matrix. If there are different feedback items, these can be found via a drop-down list under the filter 'Feedback'.

The data presented here can be exported as raw data. Select the 'Export raw data to Excel' action at the bottom of the page.

It is possible that not every column contains a rectangle. This is the case when the test is random so the same questions are not selected for each candidate. There may also be names in italics and gray rectangles at the bottom of the list. In such a case, it could be that a candidate never started the test, but clicked on start in the dashboard and did nothing after that.

Group analysis

With the help of the group analysis, candidates who have been divided into candidate groups can be compared with each other at group level. In this way it is possible to analyze how the groups scored in relation to each other. A candidate can also be linked to different groups, which makes it possible to compare in different ways. Consider, for example, comparing groups based on level, location or year of study. To be able to compare candidate groups with each other, they must be linked to the same category, for more information about creating categories for candidate groups, see Candidate groups and connections.

The group analysis shows a summary of the results of the test moment. The summary includes the average score and score range of all candidates. If a test contains feedback items, the same information is also shown for each feedback item.

To compare groups, the candidate group category must be selected via the drop-down list at the top of the page. For example, a category could be 'Location' with three candidate groups, i.e. 'Amsterdam', 'Rotterdam' and 'The Hague'. When the 'Location' category is chosen for comparison, the results of the 3 groups are displayed side by side. Through green and red icons, it is made clear how the value in the box compares to the rest of the values (green is a higher score, red is a lower score). Note that the color does not make a value judgment as to whether it is better or worse!

See the image below for an example of a group analysis by location.

Figure 3

Analyze Questions

The Analyze Questions tab contains various data and static values calculated per test version by RemindoTest. For an explanation of the statistical values, see the corresponding article: Statistical Values .

In the image to the right are some of the functions from the Adjustments column. This column becomes visible only when adjustments have been made to the answer model for this question. The blue-colored icon (check mark or pencil) represents which answers to this question will be approved. The check mark indicates that all answers will be approved, while the pencil indicates that only the adjusted answer is correct.

Furthermore, the last column contains three more options. These allow viewing the details of this question, showing the interaction analysis or sending a comment about the question to the author from the management environment.

The interaction analysis provides more information about the question in question, including the number of times an answer option was chosen and various statistical values. It is also possible to modify the answer model from here. An example view is shown below.

Interaction Analysis


The Comments tab contains all comments made by the candidates during the test administration or review moment.

A candidate can place 1 comment per question during a test. A teacher can answer this comment once. After that there can be no more communication via RemindoToets.

Comments can be filtered by question, candidate group, specific review time and status. A comment can have different statuses, these are explained below:

  • Open
    This comment is still open and has not yet been processed.
  • Read
    The candidate has read the response to the comment.
  • Replied
    The supervisor has answered the comment, but the candidate has not yet marked it as read.
  • Closed
    The comment has been closed, with no response.

In the overview, there are buttons on the right side to respond to a comment, edit it, or close it. You can also go directly to the details of the result.

Actions at 'Full overview' tab

Various actions are available at the bottom of the page for exporting files. In the full overview of a result, the following actions are targeted for export:

  • Export to PDF: this allows specific parts of the result to be omitted. The PDF file can thus be more customized.
  • Export to Excel: With this option, nothing can be modified and a download will automatically appear in the browser after a short wait.
  • Export to Osiris (worksheet or text): This export can be used in conjunction with Osiris.
  • Download uploads as ZIP file: With this function, files uploaded by candidates are included in a structured ZIP file.

Actions at 'Result Details' tab.

Other actions can be found at 'Result Details' tab. These are as follows:

  • Export question scores to Excel: this exports only the question scores.
  • Export raw data to Excel: this action puts 26 types of data into the Excel file. Use this to download as much data from a result as possible in one document.
  • Export to JSON file: a .JSON file is created where the data is stored. This file format can be used in other applications.

Actions at tab 'Remarks'

Actions are also available at the 'Remarks' tab. These are as follows:

  • Answer comments: this answers all selected comments at once. It is not possible to answer a comment that has already been answered before.
  • Close comment(s): this action closes the selected comments without posting a comment.
  • Reopen comment(s): this action allows a closed comment to be reopened to still answer.
  • Export to Excel**: exports all data related to the remarks to an Excel file.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.