• 21 Aug 2023
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Article Summary

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API allows almost any functionality to be invoked from another application. This is where links are made with other Paragin software, such as MijnPortfolio. A connection can also be made with external software. These connections sometimes require special code or other information that cannot always be obtained through Paragin.

Through the Administration > Settings menu, the API tab can be found. This is where API keys are managed. At the top right is an option for creating a new API key. It is possible to use certain callbacks, algorithms and specific range for IP addresses.

At the top of the page is documentation for using an API link. It includes a file written in C#. This is an example of how the API links.

Candidate and user properties are shown at the bottom of this page. These can be retrieved for use in an API link.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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