Competence scan
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Competence scan

  • Pdf

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The competence scan is a list of statements that participants can fill in. These measure different competencies of the participant. By filling in all questions truthfully, participants (and supervisors) can see what the strengths and areas for improvement are. An image is generated containing a competency rose. Each bull's eye line shows the extent to which a participant has indicated to be proficient in that competency. There is also a graph below where all competencies are indicated per row.

Several competency scans can be completed per participant. Only the most recent competence scan is visible to supervisors.


The competence rose can be used as a means to see participants' skills. Facilitators can talk to the participant if certain skills stand out. It may be helpful to encourage the participant to work on these skills. It is quite possible that a participant did not know that a skill was scored high or low.

Because participants can fill in and look back at several competency scans, this can be used to see differences over time.


Participants can fill in the details under the menu item 'Competence scan'. Something must be entered for each option, otherwise it will not be possible to complete the scan. Optionally, use the option I cannot judge this about myself or this does not apply to me to enter a neutral answer.

A total overview of the current and previously completed scans can be found in the menu item 'My competencies'. The participant sees the most recent competency rose. To switch scans, a participant clicks on one of the other scans that have been performed at the bottom of the screen. The page will reload and the competency rose will be changed.

Supervisor roles can view the current scan in a participant's portfolio by navigating to the tab Tools > Competency scan. The competency rose will look something like the image below.


Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.