Creating an article
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Creating an article

  • Pdf

Samenvatting van het artikel


The menu item Articles is used to manage articles, forms, content blocks and article templates. With these components, informative texts can be developed, including videos, multiple choice questions and other interactive components. These parts are placed in fields that can be included in a template.

The previously mentioned components can be set up separately from each other. It is useful to start by creating forms, content blocks and templates, because they can be used when creating an article. An article always contains a template, into which other parts are placed. Only administrative roles can create articles and the different parts.

Participants who have access to one or more articles will find them in the form of a selection list. These can be divided by administrators over, for example, different courses or semesters.

It is possible to give the Articles module a different title that better suits an environment, for example 'Lessons'. Contact Paragin to make changes to this.

Paragin can also disable components that are not needed. For the sake of completeness, all components within the Articles menu are mentioned in this article.


Articles example

Above is an example article as it appears in the overview. Creating new articles or parts is easy by clicking on the desired part at the top right of the screen. For new forms, content blocks or templates, a new screen will first open before a new part can be created.

There is no fixed order in which the item and parts must be created. In this manual, creating an item is treated last, because the other created parts can be placed in it.

Manage templates

In the template management overview you can see a list of all templates. These are edited from this overview and the set fields of a template can be changed. At the top right of the screen is the function to add new templates.

Add new template

  1. Click the "Add Template" button.
  2. A new screen opens, in which the title of the template is entered. Also indicate here whether a table of contents should be generated.
  3. The template now appears on the overview page. Click on the list icon 'Edit fields' on the right side to place new parts in the template.
  4. A new screen opens. At the top of the page is the option 'Add field'. Click here.
  5. When adding a new field, a number of options are displayed. The type of field is important, because the options differ per type. The options are shown in the image below.

Template type field.png

  • Use one of the two options called 'Article element' to place this field in a fixed position in the template: at the top or at the bottom.
'Article element' offers the possibility to add an element to the overview of the articles. See the article Adding elements for more information about this.
  • It is possible to make a simple or advanced editor available. With the simple editor, adding hyperlinks and tables can be disabled. In the advanced editor, these are questions and tooltips.
  • Furthermore, uploading an image or PDF is an option.
  • Finally, a content block can be entered. These are described below.

Manage content blocks

In the 'Manage content blocks' section, blocks with predefined content can be created. A content block can be selected when creating a template. With this, the content of these blocks will automatically appear in the template. It is not necessary to use it, it can be useful when certain articles need to have the same content. By using a content block, this only needs to be done once.

  1. Click the "Add Content Block" button.
  2. An extensive text editor with various functions opens. These can all be used for entering content, such as images, videos and tables. This will be carried over into every article with this content block.
  3. Click on 'Save' when the block has been completed as desired.

Manage forms

Forms are used to allow participants to enter text. Like content blocks, forms are placed in an article for participants to use. There is a distinction between a participant form and an assessment form.

Create participant form

  1. Click the "Add Form" button.
  2. Enter a title and save the form.
  3. The form is now in the overview. It is still empty at the moment, so click on 'Manage form elements' on the right side of the screen.
  4. A new screen opens in which an element can be set up. Click on 'Add element' at the top right of the screen.
  5. A new screen will open. Select the desired type of element from the drop-down list. If the element 'Block' is selected, a new element can be placed in it. The image below shows an example of a block containing a header element and an input field element.

Create assessment form

  1. Go to the 'Assessment form' tab in the overview.
  2. Click the "Add Form" button.
  3. Complete the options. The cut-off type percentage has different settings than those for the points table, so pay attention to this when setting it up. Also indicate the mark with which the participant can obtain a pass.

Create and complete articles

When an article is added, a number of data must be entered by default: choose a language, enter an article code and title and state a validity date and duration.

The content of the article can be based on a created template. If this template contains certain elements or content blocks, they will be shown at the bottom of the page. If content blocks are used, they will appear in a list. Multiple content blocks can be selected. Each block can only be added once per item.

If the Ideas module (often renamed to Knowledgebase) is active, details of it can be added to an article. When adding a new article, a drop-down list called 'Ideas' appears. More than one idea can be chosen.

Internal module name: Article

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.