Message Wall
  • 23 Aug 2023
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Message Wall

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The Message Wall is a message page to easily post messages for participants and other roles. The module is used as a forum, discussion channel, intervision instrument or group assignments collaboration environment. Per role it is possible (by Paragin) to set whether the functionality is available or not. It is possible to set up the creation of a group only for administrators, but also to allow this for all users.

A message page can also be set up that does not require a group. All roles that are granted access to the MijnPortfolio environment can then be added to this.

It is possible to have this module work across environments, so that a message wall can be used by multiple environments.


By linking the message wall to multiple environments, it can be used as a means of communication between these environments. This is a useful option when different environments are used for different courses. In this way, supervisors can, for example, exchange ideas or report findings.



You can create a group by clicking on 'Add group' on the module page. This group can then be assigned a name. Below that is the option to add participants and other users to the group. Save the group to be able to use it.

Place participants

If other users cannot create groups themselves, then administrators must place them in a group. This can be done when the participant's account is created, but also afterwards. Do the latter by going to the menu item with portfolios. Here is a list of all participants of this MyPortfolio environment. To assign or change a participant an (additional) participant group, click on the pencil symbol on the right side of the page, which belongs to this respective participant. This is followed by a screen with 'Change portfolio settings'. Under 'Portfolio properties' there is an option for participant groups. Select here the groups to which this participant should be added or removed.


To add larger groups of participants to a group, first select all participants to be added. At the bottom of the page is the option 'Take action on'. First select 'Selected results' as the target of the action here. Then choose 'Add to participant groups' as the action to be performed.

After a group has been created, messages can be posted in that group by all participants who are in that group.
To post a message in a specific group, the appropriate group must be selected in the Message Wall. Type the desired message and optionally attach a file. Below that is the option to select a group where the message should be posted. It is not possible to post a message in multiple groups at once.

On the right side of the page are all the groups that the current account is associated with. Click on a specific group to show only the messages posted in that group. The administrator of a group can change the name and the participants of that group via the pencil symbol next to it.

Internal module name: Messagestream

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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