Note box
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Note box

  • Pdf

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The annotation box is a collection of all communication between all user roles that have been given access to it. This functionality is never visible to participants. These notes are for internal communication. Add a note by clicking on 'New note' at the top right of this module.


Because the communication is not visible to participants, topics that are not intended for that group can easily be discussed here. The note box can thus serve as a platform for supporting accompanying roles, for example.


A note must be given a title and one or more keywords can be added. You can choose to enter a date manually or not to show a date. If the note needs to be linked to a specific project or client, this can be done by selecting it from the drop-down menu below the text box. By selecting 'Other' an extra option appears to enter something here manually.

The assigned keywords can be used to filter on this in the overview of this module. This is also possible with the entered project or client, so that only those notes will be shown on the screen.

Internal module name: Notebox

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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