Personal Development Plan (PDP)
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

  • Pdf

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With this module a Personal Development Plan (PDP) can be made. The participant can create this himself. Facilitators also have the option to create a POP for a participant.

A POP serves as a description of the points on which a participant wants to develop. One or more tasks and/or goals are linked to this in order to achieve these developments. A participant can indicate per task or goal how this can be achieved. In addition, a participant must indicate how long the task will take, with an option to indicate a specific date. Furthermore, possible obstacles can be noted and there is a final input field where the result is described. After creating the POP, supporting documents can be added to each component from the MyPortfolio environment.

If a participant is of the opinion that (a part of) the development plan has been completed, this can be ticked off. This should include an explanation. After submission, it is no longer possible to change a part of the PDP, only the explanation accompanying the submission can then be changed.

The facilitator can then provide feedback if necessary. If the submitted plan is sufficient, it can be accepted. A PDP is not completed in its entirety until all components have been individually approved.


A PDP can be used as the basis for a plan of action (PvA). For certain tasks, it may be desirable for a participant to draw up his own plan for this. By using the POP module, an overview of this plan can be made for both the participant and the supervisor. Within this plan, different steps can be used, because the module offers the possibility for sub-items. This allows a PvA with a long trajectory to be divided up and scheduled at the desired times. Below is an example of a general setup of a PDP.

Use the pencil symbol to edit a part. The red trash can symbol deletes this sub-item. Documents can be added with the chain symbol. The green check mark is the option to complete the item.

Persoonlijk ontwikkelplan voorbeeld


Create a plan

Creating a plan can be done by participants in the POP module on the left side of the page.

Facilitators can go to a participant's portfolio and navigate to the POP tab there. Here is the same overview as what the participant sees in the POP module.

  1. In both cases a new POP can be created by clicking the 'Add a new item' button. Enter a title and then click on save, after which a new POP will appear in the overview.

Persoonlijk ontwikkelplan

  1. The image above shows a bar of a POP. This bar shows the percentage of parts of the PDP that have been completed. To the right of that are the following options:
  • Pencil Symbol: Edit the title of the POP
  • Plus symbol: Add a sub-item
  • Box symbol: Archive without finishing
  • Download symbol: Download this plan as a PDF

Create a new item with the plus symbol. The image in the example given indicates which parts must be completed.

Admin overview

The administrator can get an overview of all POP components per participant. A module is available for this that is only accessible to them, the POP overview. Here is a list of all POPs that have been created. There you will find the relevant participant, the title of the POP, the title of the sub-items, the status and the deadline moment. Finally, an administrator can add notes to Options, and optionally fill in the cost/rate field.

Internal module name: POP

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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