Qualifications and qualification files
  • 24 Aug 2023
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Qualifications and qualification files

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This module offers the possibility to import qualification files. In addition, qualifications can also be created manually. The administrator can link them to a candidate, then the candidate can link their evidence uploaded in the portfolio to a qualification/work process.


Qualifications can be used for many different purposes. An example is the use for the Examplatform. The structure of a qualification can serve as a step-by-step plan for a practical exam. For example: the participants have to take a practical exam for welding. This includes several steps, such as safety rules. All these steps are described in the qualification. These can then be checked by examiners and marked with an assessment. When the candidate has successfully completed the qualification, he/she has passed the exam.

Qualifications can also be used in a participant's portfolio. When entering a new work experience, education or other information, a participant can make a selection of relevant qualifications.

It is not mandatory to use the Exam Platform. The qualifications do not have to be linked to an exam in order to use it.


Create qualifications and competencies

Creation of qualifications and competences

Qualifications are created and managed in the menu item 'Qualifications'. In the overview there are options for creating qualifications and competencies. Click on 'Add qualifications' to create a new one immediately. Click on 'Competences' for a clear list. There are 25 competencies available as standard, click on 'Add competency' to add your own competency.

Several attributes can be assigned to a qualification:

  • The language
  • A specific name
  • A number or code
  • A cohort, if applicable
  • A specific level, if applicable
  • Standard link to new participants

There are a number of terms that can be adjusted within a qualification, in order to better match one's own wishes. It is mandatory to have this completed, this is done automatically by MijnPortfolio. If a portfolio instruction for participants needs to be added, it can be done here. Check the option, after which a text field will appear. Enter a title, explanation and the instruction here.

If a new qualification has been created, it will appear in the overview under the 'Inactive' tab.

If accountability documents must be placed with a qualification, this can be done in the overview on the right. The rightmost option, 'Accountability documents', gives this option.

Setting up core tasks and work processes

If a qualification has been created and saved, MyPortfolio will automatically show it in the overview. Each qualifier has a number of options on the right side. One of them is 'Edit core tasks and work processes'. Click on this to add a new core task and then click on 'Add core task' in the next screen. Give the core task a serial number to keep a good overview. Also enter a name appropriate to the core task. Save to continue.

The overview for the core tasks now shows the task you just saved. It has an option on the right to add a work process. Click on this, after which a following screen will open. Here are several fields that can be filled in:

  • Serial number
  • Work process name
  • Description work process
  • Desired result
  • Professional knowledge and skills
  • Competences
Competencies are created in the initial overview of the Qualifications module.

Figure 3

The image above shows an example of a core task supplemented with a work process. In yellow you can see that a performance indicator has been added. This is only possible once the work process has been created. To add a performance indicator, select the plus symbol for the desired work process. Multiple indicators can be added per work process.

When a qualification contains a core task with work process, it can be activated. This can be done by going to the 'Inactive' tab in the overview of the qualifications. Each qualifier that can be activated has a silhouette symbol in the 'Options' column.
Figure 1
Click on it to activate a qualification. You can see this in the image on the right. If a qualification does not have this symbol, it means that no core tasks have been added yet. This can also be seen by the symbol for editing core tasks, which is colored red.

A qualification must be activated in order to link it to an exam. If you are unable to link a qualification to an exam, check whether it is activated.

Qualifications must be linked to participants. This can be done by going to the overview of all participants (default name: Portfolios). To select a participant, check the box on the far left of the row. Multiple participants can be selected.

When all desired participants have been selected, perform the action at the bottom of the screen. This can be done by selecting the Link to qualification option under '(choose an action)'. Then click on 'Run'. A new screen will open in which the desired qualifications can be selected.

These steps can also be followed to remove a qualification. Then select 'Unlink from qualification' in the right menu.
For example, if qualifications in the environment are called education, this option will show 'Link to education'.

Import qualification files

Qualifications can be imported via the function Add multiple MBO Crebo codes. Click on this to enter the codes in the entry field in the next screen. Indicate to which cohort these codes belong.

Internal module name: KDS

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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