  • 29 Mar 2024
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The content of a blueprint may include a feedback section. For example, it allows a supervisor to see more information about the scores of certain topics in the test. This information can also be shown to the candidate. These feedbacks are shown after taking a test and are based on blueprint rules and/or question properties.

The settings for feedback can be found under Tests > select blueprint > Content tab > Feedback tab. See also the image below.


These feedback sections can contain their own caesura, just like a blueprint. A score can be determined in this way within a test per item. This allows test designers, for example, to give one section with only multiple choice questions and another section with other question types a different caesura.

In the settings of the blueprint, you can specify whether the result of this test is determined via the normal caesura or via the feedback items, or composite caesura.

Setting feedback is necessary when using a composite caesura. Therefore, please also check the article Composite caesura.


When creating (or editing) a blueprint, a new component for feedback can be added. To do this, click the "Add Component" button (see image above). A new screen will open where a number of steps are indicated.

Step 1: Enter a name for this component here.

Step 2: Select here which questions in this blueprint will be included in this part. 'All questions' selects all the questions in the blueprint. With the other option, 'Only the questions from some blueprint lines', a selection box appears. There, choose from which created lines questions will be selected.

Filters can then be added that can make the selection more specific. For example, filtering can be done by question type, but also by properties assigned to the questions.

Step 3: Indicate here what data about this item will be shown to the candidate. Below this, it can be indicated which data is available to others, these can be administrators and/or tutors who have the rights to see the result of this candidate.

It is possible to see a pie chart per section in the Analysis of Results. For this, the setting "Name score area, as defined below" must be checked in Step 3

Step 4: The Result settings are explained in the article Add new blueprint, under the headings Test settings and possibly Score distribution.

When a test has been taken, it is not possible to adjust the settings of the feedback items afterwards. Only the possible weighting of the items in case of a composite caesura can be adjusted

Adjust feedback items afterwards

It is possible to adjust the feedback items after the test has been taken if they were not set as desired. This can be done in the administration environment, but (if set in the delivery settings: possibility to adjust the caesura) also in the administration environment.

In the administration environment, the feedback items can be adjusted and/or feedback items can be added/deleted. When this has been done and the test matrix has been saved, the 'History' tab can be accessed. At the top right there is a button 'Push settings', use this to have the feedback reports in the administration environment adjusted from a certain date.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.