Combined question
  • 02 Jan 2024
  • Pdf

Combined question

  • Pdf

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A combined question is a combination of (sub)questions that together make one big question. The combined question can exist of different types of questions. several different question types in one question. The sequence in which these (sub)questions are offered during the test is as the sequence in the editor. The combined question is very convenient for situations in which (sub)questions always need to presented together and in the same order. It's often use The combined question is often used in combination with a case text.

Make a combined question

A combined question can be made in two ways:

  1. By selecting 'Add new question' one can choose the question type 'Combined question'. After choosing the standard settings of the question, the editor of the new question is openend. Above the text block is a drop-down list where each question type to be added can be selected. In addition to the available question types, there are also options to add other parts, like a Text block. Click on 'add'.
  2. By editing an existing question. Edit the question and choose a question type from the drop-down list above the text block. Click on 'Add'.


Text blockIn a text block extra information can be added to the question.
Answer ModelThe answer model can indicate what the candidate should answer. This answer model is also shown to the person reviewing the questions. Thus, in the case of a composite question, the answer model relates to the question types to be checked by a corrector.
Case Text BlockIf questions are added that relate to a particular text or image, but not all of these questions are used in a test, a case question can be chosen. The case can be used with several questions. The questions will be seen as separate questions in a test, but are linked to the same case text.
External mediaAn External media section can be added to each question type. This allows the use of media from external sources such as YouTube, Vimeo and SlideShare. If external media is used in a question, this question is only available for exercises and practice tests (formative). To make this question available again for tests (summative), all external media must be removed. Then the availability can be set again in the settings of this question.
Media playerThis question type allows you to limit the playback of media files (audio/video) during the test. During a review the media is again available without restriction.

Individual text blocks can be placed between the different question types. Multiple text blocks directly below each other will be merged into one text block.


A combined question exists of several interactions, which are seperately scored. In the analysis however, these interactions will be combined to give for example one value for P' and Rir.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.

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