Drag & Drop question
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Drag & Drop question

  • Pdf

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A Drag & Drop question is a question that can be used to ask the candidate to place one or more smaller images in the correct place on a background image. This can be done by dragging images into predefined areas. An image can be placed one or a specific number of times on the background image. Multiple images can also be placed.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the settings surrounding the answer options of this question become available.


Choose an image

Select the image to be used as background here. If the image is too large, RemindToets will automatically resize it.

Draggable images

More draggable images can be added here.

When clicking on the pencil icon of one of a draggable image in the left-hand column on the page, the specific options can be set.

Select an imageSelect the image to be dragged to a specified location on the background image here.
Maximum number of times the user can use this imageSpecify how many times this image can be placed on the background image.
CircleBy choosing this option and then selecting a position on the image, a circle is placed. The diameter of the circle can be increased. It is possible to create several circles.
AreaBy choosing an area, an area on the image can be marked. Note! The area is only composed when one of the points is double-clicked. It is possible to create multiple areas.
Allocated scoreWhat score does the candidate obtain by placing the image in this area.
  • One or more circles/areas can be created per draggable image.
  • Feedback information can also be recorded for each draggable image and for answering or not answering the question correctly. This information is intended for the candidate.


This example is intended to provide insight into setting up a drag and drop question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new drag & drop question, it is opened. Fill in the instructions associated with the question in the text block.
  2. Select the gear icon to add images. With 'Choose an image', a background image can be added via this screen. This is where the answer options should eventually be dragged to.
Please note!
The image cannot be edited in RemindoToets. This must be done outside the test environment, so make sure this is arranged beforehand.

3.'Add draggable image' places a new image that can be moved by the candidate.
4. On the left side of the edit screen, all images are displayed. Below the background image, all draggable images will appear. Select the pencil near a draggable image to set up an answer area.
a. It is possible to select 'circle' or 'area' for an answer. By clicking on 'circle' and then on a particular area on the background image, a 'Hotspot area' will be created. This area can then be removed or made larger. Below the image, the colour of the hotspot area and its score can be adjusted. Finally, feedback can be set up for the candidate.
b. To use an area, a form for the answer model must have been created manually. If the 'area' option is selected, points can be put on the background image. This can be done by left-clicking on the image. These points are automatically connected to each other. In this way, a triangle, square, hexagon and so on can be created. When the desired shape has been created, double-click the area with the left mouse button. Then the colour and the assigned score can be adjusted, below that the feedback can be set up.

The centre point of the draggable image must be within the answer area, this applies to both the 'circle' and 'area' options. RemindoToets will otherwise miscalculate the answer. Take this into account when composing an answer by, for example, making the areas a bit larger than the draggable image itself.
A draggable image can be set for more than one answer option. With this functionality, there is no need to add multiple draggable images. Multiple areas can also be created for one image. In that case, RemindoToets will approve the answer if the candidate placed the image in one of the areas.

Figure A2

An example is given on the right. The background image shows a dromedary. For this question, the candidate has to place the draggable image (the blue square) near the head and hump of the dromedary. One point is awarded for each correct answer for this.

The example shows that the candidate can use the draggable image a maximum of 2 times. After dragging the first square, the candidate will see the second one appear among the answer options. Both squares must be marked to get two points. If the candidate places the two squares in the same plane, RemindoToets will award only one point.

Below is how this drag and drop question looks in the RemindoToets administration environment. The first square has already been placed on the head of the dromedary. The second square is still on the spot where the draggable images are when starting a drag and drop question. Candidates will not see the purple squares, these are meant to make it easier for question creators/administrators to test what works.

Sample answer template

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.