Graphic associate question
  • 22 Aug 2023
  • Pdf

Graphic associate question

  • Pdf

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With the graphic associate question, it is possible to have connections indicated by the candidate. For example, think of line drawings where the missing lines still need to be indicated. Or, for example, a question where a picture needs to be connected with a certain meaning or explanation.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Content text block

This is where the stem of the question is entered.
Question statement/fill-in instruction If there is an additional question statement or fill-in instruction for this question, it can be placed here.

By clicking on the cog icon gear icon, the settings surrounding the answer options for this question become available.


Image (placeholder)After clicking the gear icon, the image to be used can be chosen.
CircleBy choosing this option and then selecting a position on the image, a circle is placed. The diameter of the circle can be increased.
AreaBy choosing an area, an area can be marked on the image. Note! The area is not composed until one of the points is double-clicked.
Connect areasCircles and/or areas can be connected to each other. You can then indicate whether the connection is correct and how many points can be obtained.
  • In the point distribution, the score for clicking outside the areas can be set. In addition, bonus points can be set when the candidate has made all connections correctly.
  • Feedback information can also be recorded for each choice and for answering the question correctly or not. This information is intended for the candidate.


This example is intended to give an insight into setting up a graphic associate question. It discusses how the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After creating a new graphic associate question, it is opened. In the text block, fill in the instructions associated with the question.
  2. Select the gear icon to add images. With 'Choose an image', a background image can be added via this screen. Upload the image to be used for the connection question.
Please note!
The image cannot be edited in RemindoToets. This must be done outside the test environment, so make sure this is arranged in advance.
  1. a. It is possible to select 'circle' or 'area' for an answer. By clicking on 'circle' and then on a certain area on the background image, a 'Hotspot area' will be created. This area can then be removed or made larger.
    b. To use an area, a form for the answer model must have been created manually. If the 'area' option is selected, points can be placed on the background image. This can be done by left-clicking on the image. These points are automatically connected to each other. In this way, a triangle, square, hexagon and so on can be created. When the desired shape is created, double-click the area with the left mouse button to stop editing.
  2. When the first area/circle is created, the following options appear at the top of the edit screen:
Label:After creating an area or circle, a label with a letter appears. This label can be customised. For example, this can be useful for recognition of linked areas by giving them the same label.
Add PointThis option can add an extra point to a manually created area (not a circle). This point can be moved to adjust the area for the answer.
DeleteThe selected point or area can be deleted by clicking on the corresponding button.
Maximum and minimum connectionsUse these settings to specify how many maximum and minimum connections can or must be made. At a minimum of 1 must connect once. The maximum is the number of connections that may be used.
  1. If several areas are created, they can be connected to each other. These connections are the correct answers that the candidate has to fill in. Click on the 'Connect areas' button. Click on an area and then on the area to be linked to it. A black line will appear to indicate between which areas the connection will be made.
A candidate can make connections between all areas, as long as the minimum and maximum are not exceeded.
  1. When a connection is set up, it appears in a list in the edit screen. Below is an image showing an example of a connection created. In this image, the label for both areas is '1'. In addition, it is possible to assign a certain number of points to a connection. To delete an unwanted line, click on the red bin symbol on the right.

Sample answer template

  1. Finally, two more settings fields are shown. The first is 'Points Distribution', in which (minus) points are awarded for making an incorrect connection. Bonus points can also be turned on if a candidate has made all connections correctly.

'Mandatory number of connections to make' refers to the total number of connections. The minimum indicates the minimum number of connections a candidate must have made to proceed to the next question. The maximum indicates the maximum number of connections a candidate can make. This can be used if a question requires a specific number of connections. By entering 0 in both boxes, these functions are not used.

Figure 1

The two images on the right are an example of a setup without answer options and one with the connections set. In this question, the candidate is supposed to connect the opposite words. These are linked in the second image, which can be seen by the green lines. In addition, the linked answers are labelled with a number, making it easy to quickly see which ones belong together.

When a candidate starts filling in the question, the lines are automatically linked in the means of the created areas. An area therefore does not necessarily have to be as large as is shown in this image. However, it can be useful to make the layout wide, so that candidates do not have to put unnecessary effort into linking answers.
Figure 1

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.