Multiple choice question
  • 17 Sep 2024
  • Pdf

Multiple choice question

  • Pdf

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A multiple choice question always consists of a stem of the question and a number of answer options. In a multiple choice question, one answer option is correct. Images, formulas, tables, etc. can be placed in the stem of the question and in the answer options.

After setting the default settings of the question, the new question opens.

Text block contents

This is the place where the question and any information needed to answer the question can be placed. Think of the prompt of the question (that is the actual question), any images, tables and/or attachments. If no additional information needs to be provided, we advise you to place the prompt of the question directly here.

Question prompt/ fill-in instruction

When a lot of information is provided, it can be useful to place the actual question (prompt) or a specific answer instruction separately in this text field.

Answer options

The text or, for example, the formula or image is placed here for each answer option.

By clicking on the gear icon gear icon, the options surrounding the answer options and scoring of this question become available.


Question typeA multiple choice question can consist of one answer, multiple answers or multiple answers with a limit.
ShuffleIt can be indicated whether the answer options are to be shuffeled or whether the order is fixed. If 'Shuffle' is set to 'Yes', the answer options are displayed in a different order each time. You can also indicate whether each answer option has a fixed position. For example, answer option A can always be fixed and the other answer options can be shuffled.
Dropdown listWhen a question contains many answer options, it is convenient to display them compactly by means of a dropdown list. The answer options are then initially hidden. When a candidate clicks on it they become visible.
DisplayIn addition to the option above, you can also choose whether the answer options should be placed horizontally or vertically.The score type to be used for this question is chosen when scoring. The score to be obtained for a question is always 0 or a positive number, it is not possible to obtain negative scores.


There are different types of scores available for the multiple choice question. Each type of score calculates the number of points to be obtained for the question in a different way. For more information, see the article 'Scoring types'.


This example is intended to provide insight into setting up a multiple choice question. It discusses the way in which the question is structured and how the answer options are set up.

  1. After adding a new multiple choice question and setting the settings, a new screen opens in which the content of the question can be added and the scoring can be set.
  2. Enter the information needed to answer the question in the text block contents.
  3. Below this text block, there is a second option for text (Question prompt/ fill-in instruction). This offers the possibility to give instructions to the candidate on how to answer the question.
  4. Below that are the various text fields for the answer options. Click on these to add text on the right. If an answer option needs to be removed, click on the question settings and then on the trash can icon to remove the answer option. If an answer option needs to be added, click on the ‘Add an option’ button under the ‘Score distribution’ section.
  5. The first option for the multiple choice question is to indicate how many answers options can be selected. You can choose one answer, multiple answers or multiple answers with a limit. The last option can be used to set for example a maximum of 2 answers.
  6. Then set whether the answer options should be shuffled and whether the answers should be displayed in a drop-down list. There is also an option to display the options horizontally.
  7. Indicate which score type should be used and how many points this question yields in the section 'Scoring'.
  8. After filling in the answers, one or more answers must be marked as correct. At least one answer must be checked as 'correct', otherwise Remindo will display an error message.


Above is an example of a multiple choice question, in which a candidate must indicate which Dutch city has the most inhabitants. The answers will be shuffled during a test. The correct answer will earn 1 point, an incorrect answer will earn no points. It is possible to indicate per answer alternative whether it should remain fixed, click Yes or No for this.

Another option is to move the answer option to a different position. The latter is useful for a question where the answers may not be mixed up and a specific order of the answers is desired, for example when the answer options consist of numbers.

Disclaimer: This text was automatically translated from the Dutch version.